Julia`s blog


In friday we had to finish the group works (i was in drama club) so we trained the drama whole day. After the school we went to homes and one of our friend came to us. We did the meal for the school and at 6 pm we went back to school and we introduced our works. After the meeting we went to the shopping center.


In thursday we went to Szymbark where we went to ceramics shop and there was a man who showed us how to do ceramics. After it we went to one museum in Szymbark and a guide told us things about worldwar two. After touring we did some sausages on fire. Then we went to homes by bus.


In wednesday we worked in the groups of the city game and we were presented to us an eating desorter problems and we watched very touching video. After school we went to the escape room and it was very fun in there. After the escape room and all we did just chill in home and didnt go anywhere.


In tuesday we went to school and from there we went to bus and the bus took us to Gdansk old town. In the bus were an tour guide and he told us things about the old town. After the tour the bus left us near the mariacka tower (church) and we climbed 400 stairs. When all of us came from the mariacka tower we went play city game where we interwieved restaurants and took pictures with them. After the city game we went to the restaurant and I didnt like the food at all.


In monday we went to school by car. In school we met teachers and we had explained how to use peda net. Then schools psychologist came and we had games that helped us to meet each other. We ate in school at 11.00 am our own lunches and after that we were divided into different groups. After school we went bowling and ate pizza.


In Sunday we came to Poland and the Polish people took us from the airport and we went with them to their homes. We were some time in home and then we went to this park called "Oliwski park" and we were on the view tower. Then we went to the Mcdonald. After Mcdonald we went to Sopot and I bought a hoodie there.


My name is Julia and I'm from Poland. I can speak polish too and my dad lives in Poland so I can speak polish too. That is one of the reasons I wanted to join this project. I also wanted to join the project because I just LOOOVE food, and this project is about food so...