May's blog

Chalenge week about patricia!!

Hi so I am going to tell about Patricia challenge week.
So she give up on eating sweets for a week.
First it was hard then it was fine for her.
I think her challenge was good idea and I also think that I could try the challenge and I think that it could be good to me also.

Challange day 3

2 days eny more and I am literally going to give in because my other friends eat cripsbread and me and my friend who had the same challange we were only one who could´t ate it .


I designed to give up on eating crispbead for a week. Reason why I choose crispbread is bacause it´s really yammy and I literally eat it every day at school, So today I am going to start this challange and it is going to be hard because I like it a lot .

Challenge day 2

I almoust ate crispbread today then i realize that oh no I can´t take it because i have still have the challange. Three days eny more then I can eat oh yeah !!!!

Challenge day 5

Oh yeah it is finally done today is last day of challenge and I can eat crispbread tomorrow feels good. In fact this challenge was not ending too hard, first it seemsto be hard but then rest of week i did´t even mine about that crispbread. This challenge prove to me that I can leave couple day without crispbread and this challenge was also very awesome to do .


today is last day in Lubeck and I am going to miss Lubeck so much and also my new friends that I have from this projeck. Today we went to Hansa museum and afternoon we hade kind of meeting time so what i mean with meeting is that all exchange and all houst famileys where at school and we ate food and then we choose the winner from monday game we had.

May`s blog

Today was fun day we made own id for bloging .


It is first day of our project day and firs we went to Ernestinenschule school there we met polish student and other teacher from the project, so teacher from germany she told us about stuff about projeckt and school and plan of the day. So first Germanys students show us there school and then at the school we ate healthy breakfast and german students have a presentation about there mansa what is there coffee shop. After presentation we got a mission and it was about to take a pictures about differend king of placies and it was also compatitive.


So today on thurstday we went to farm. We went there by bus then we walked the end on the journey.
At the farm The men who was perhaps owner I thinks so he told us about places and about that all here is grow organic. We also made butter and we also hade picnik there.


Second day in Germany and today we went to bruggel cereal factory.
In the factory there was boys who told us about factory and about histori and about there producktion and about how many factorys they have in the wordl. after that we went to the place where most of production was made and it was awesome experience.


hello again.
So today was third day in germany and today I hade so much fun. So we went to niederegger marsiban shop and we were there couple hours and then we also had couple hours time to shopping and after that we went to the school for the lunch and lunch was yammy. After lunch we went to Euroimun where we kooked food and I have so much fun there.

Week in German

Hi so It was 3 am on sunday and it was time to get ready for trip to Germany . Bus where here in Karhu at 5am and it took almost 2 hours until we get to Vantaa to airport. I was really excited and also really nerves and tired, but then when we get to Germany I was really happy.

Week in Germany

So it is finally flight to Germany I have wait this moment for so long time. I woke up at 3 am and I was so excited and the flight departed 9:15 am in finland and arrived 11 am in germany. when we arrived to germany the houst familys where waiting us at the trainstation. Lubeck is so beautiful place.

What I eat in a day : breakfast

I know that i have not updated my blog for long time, but anyway I am going tell about what i eat in a day.
So for breakfast I normally eat bread with cucumber. bread I eat and what i choose is always rye bread. It is an option healthier than white bread and have a lot of finer, which provides the energy to start the day. With a piece of bread I also got the half of orange and some yogurt and glass of water with orange slices because it gives a nice taste:

What i eat in a day: lunch

And of course, I ate lunch at school because here in Finland we get food to the school which is really awesome because this kind of possibility it not have in many country. And for the lunch I got corn, salad, potato and minced meant sauce and crispbread and of course glass of milk käyttää vain välttämättömiä evästeitä istunnon ylläpitämiseen ja anonyymiin tekniseen tilastointiin. ei koskaan käytä evästeitä markkinointiin tai kerää yksilöityjä tilastoja. Lisää tietoa evästeistä