Sini's blog

Germany, day six

Today we took part of lessons also. We went also to the hansamuseum. In evening we had our presentations and eating at school.

Germany, day five

Today we went to the biofarm. We saw lot of things there like the animals, fields and buildings. We even made our own butter. After that me and my exchangestudent went to a mall and after that we met lot of exchangestudents in Mara's house.:small

Germany, day four

Today we were at 2 lessons at morning. After that we went to the niederegger shop. Then we travelled to the cooking workshop. We had so much fun there, I loved it! And we really made delicious food.

Germany, day three

So today we went to the cereal factory! It was so interesting, but I didn't heard everything on that guided tour becouse of the noise. After school we went to the mall and we were there all day.

Germany, day two

Today was long day, but we had lot of fun. We saw the Ernestinen school (?) and we had delicious breakfast and lunch there. We get to know city better when we looked for a sights. In afternoon many of us went to a city called Travemund.

Germany, day one

So today we arrived to Germany! We were travelling with all kind of vehicles car, bus, airplane, subway, train... Later we get to know each others better (me and my host family). And I'm so thankful that my host family take me here so friendly.

Challenge week of Jonas

Jonas challenge was that he didn't eat meat at all. At first Jonas thought that it's too hard, but then he made it to the end. He eated vegetables, cheese and other things without meat.

Challenge week, day seven

Today it's last day of this challenge and I'm very happy to think that I can drink coffee tomorrow! :) I have felt quite lot tiredness this week, but I also have learned to appreciate coffee more.

Challenge week, day six

Today I didn't even remember that I can't drink coffee, but I still didn't drink any coffee. I kind of failed this, becouse I eated one coffee candy, but I think it's just a little thing.

Challenge week, day five

Today I started to like tea little bit. But I also started to miss coffee. I didn't want to fail this challenge still.

Challenge week, day four

Today I didn't have to focus not to drink coffee. But I was little tired. I tried to drink tea also, but it wasn't so special.

Challenge week, day three

Well today I got some problems to get up morning 7.15 without coffee. Also in afternoon I couldn't eat my grannys cake becouse it contained coffee...

Challenge week, day two

So today I didn't feel difference in my own feelings. I wasn't even tired. But it was ofcourse different when I couldn't make coffee at morning. So I didn't either eat anything becouse I didn't know what should I eat.

Challenge week, day one

So I decided to give up on drinking coffee for a week. I have to say that I love different kind of coffee and I drink at least three cups of coffee a day.


Happy Easter! Frohe Ostern! Hyvää pääsiäistä! Wesołych Świąt!

(Our table setting)


We went to the McDonald's with my friend. It wasn't probably the healthiest meal, but sure it was good! After that we watched Fast&furious 8 at the movies. I have been waiting for that two years and it was worth it!

Food, food, food

My breakfast: juice, coffee, mandarin, yoghurt and muesli

Some snack: water, banana, mandarin and bread

Main course: milk, salad, mashed potatoes and fish


Exchange students came yesterday to Kotka. And luckily I got Ula to my house. She's very kind and I like to spend time with her. First night was very nice. We went to sauna also.

Today was a little stressful, but it was just fine day. We are getting known each other better. We had some lecture about Finnish school system and other lesson about healthy food. Then we had to choose recipes for competition and the students wrote blog. I didn't get that far at school so I'm writing this now at home. So today when we came to home we eated and then we left to the snowball fight or something like that to Sunila. There were lot of exchange students and we had fun.

I hope that we have incredible week and have a new friends!


So today we had rather interesting day. First lessons we had music and also we planned some quiz with Ula and some others. After lunch we went to bus and we drove around Kotka. We saw Sunila and Langinkoski first. Then we went to the center of Kotka and we had some museum tour. After that we went to the shopping mall (Pasaati) to drink some coffee. At home we didn't do anything special. We just relaxed.

Here's two pictures from Langinkoski (I'm sorry for the quality)


Yesterday we had Masterchef cooking competition. My group won that, but I think that winning wasn't important. We had so much fun in the kitchen and also a bit of nervousness. After school day me and Ula went to my granny. We baked some gingerbreads and ham pie. It was quite difficult for me because I had to translate everything because my granny doesn't speak English.

Today was different because we were at Luovi. It was nice to be there. And the best of all was sauna. It was funny to see how exchange students react to the sauna and cold water too. After Luovi we came home to eat something and then we went to some place where was quite lot teenagers.


Yesterday we went to Helsinki. First we went to Marttaliitto and we had some lecture. We did tour around Helsinki. Rest of the day we were at Stockmann. Afternoon I spent time with other exchange students.

Social media!

Go check my social medias, Instagram and Twitter. I only use that Twitter account for this project.