Nini's blog


On Wednesday we went to visit Lubiana's Porcelain factory. We got to see how porcelain was made. It was great! I have never thought about how are plates and cups made, but now I know! It took about 1 hour and 30 minutes to drive from our school to the porcelain factory. We got to buy porcelain from the factory outlet, for low price.

When we were going to leave the Porcelain factory, our bus broke :( Luckily another bus came to pick us very soon, so we didn't have to wait too long. We headed to a restaurant called Helena. We ate soup before we walked to an outdoor museum.

The museum was amazing! There were old houses that were probably built over 100 years ago. They had gathered old houses, a church and a school building from all over Poland.

Soon we headed back to the restaurant and prepared some traditional polish foods. Then we walked to an observation tower. The views were beautiful!

They split us into two groups. Other group went first to carriage ride and our group walked back to the restaurant. Our group got to ride the carriage later.

Before we headed back to school, we ate the foods we had earlier prepared.

Later in the evening when we got back home, I took a bath and after that I played video games with Ula.

The day was great!


Today school started at 9am. We travelled to Gdánsk Old City by tram and we played a city game there. The City Game was about taking pictures of the places marked on the map. The groups were international and we had 3-4 people in one group. After the City Game we met at the meeting point, before we headed to a local restaurant. At the restaurant we ate food that we had chosen yesterday. I had cucumber soup and dumplings with cottage cheese. I didn't actually like the cucumber soup that much, but the dumplings were delicious! I hadn't eaten dumplings ever before, so it was completely new food for me. But it was great.

After lunch we went back to school.

In our freetime headed to a local mall, with Mary and Karoliina and some others. Soon we went to Mary's and played different games and got to know each other better.


On Monday school started at 8.15am. The students of the local school presented us a presentation about food. Later we played some food-games and Kahoot. We had lunch at 10am. After lunch we went bowling and we ate pizza. It was really fun! Later in the evening we went to Ania's and there we played games and ate different kinds of food. It was a great day!


We arrived to Gdánsk few minutes over midnight 20.03.2017. Our first flight from Helsinki to Copenhamn was late, so we missed the second flight because of that and had to wait in the Copenhamn airport for 5 hours.

When we finally got to Gdánsk the host families were waiting for us in the airport.


This morning we did these cateerings. It was fun!


Today it was a typical friday at school. I ate lunch at school and when I came home I ate an apple. Later my mom made lasagne for dinner. I love lasagne!


Today I was with my best friend. I was at her house, so we ate there. I ate bread with ham and cheese for breakfast and I also drank tea. Later we ate spaghetti bolognese for lunch.

Kuvahaun tulos haulle spaghetti bolognese

For dinner we ate macaroni casserole and then went to walk the dogs.

Kuvahaun tulos haulle macaroni casserole


YAY! It is Christmas Eve! I got my presents already. Today we ate Christmas food: Ham, carrot casserole, rutabaga casserole, potato casserole and pickles. We ate also mince pies and a lot of chocolate. It was a really fun day!

Kuvahaun tulos haulle finnish christmas food


Today it was just a typical Sunday. I was home the whole day and I ate for breakfast just cereals with oat drink. I didn't eat anything for lunch since I woke up so late, but I ate an apple about 4 o'clock. For dinner I ate rice and tuna.


Hi! Today I did the beginning questionnaire. käyttää vain välttämättömiä evästeitä istunnon ylläpitämiseen ja anonyymiin tekniseen tilastointiin. ei koskaan käytä evästeitä markkinointiin tai kerää yksilöityjä tilastoja. Lisää tietoa evästeistä