Viivi's blog


Today we did a food survay and own blogs.

14.11.2016 Monday

Hi! Today was the first day whit exchange students. We spoke abaut food pyramid and we played Kahoot.We also chose our recept for Masterchef

15.11 Tuesday

On Tuesday my mother took to me and my exchange student Patricia to school. I had two normal lessons, German and English. After to lessons we went to bus, wich drove us around to Kotka and Karhula. We also went to museum called Vellamo. After that we went to the sopping center called Pasaati and we drank a hot chocolate.
We went home and after that we went to sports center with my dad, sister and patricia and we played badminton.

16.11.2016 Wednesday

On Wednesday we had Master Chef comptetition. Some went to the stor to buy groceries. And half of the team coked. After school my family, Patricia and I went bowling. Patricia was really good!

17.11.2016 Thursday

On Thursday we went to the Luovi. In Luovi we baked some Karelian pasties. After tahat we ate fish soup and ours Karelian pasties. Also some went to the sauna. I didn't go to the sauna so in the meantime I went to fry the sausages. In the evenin we just relaxed at home.

18.11.2016 Friday

On Friday we drove to Helsinki. In Helsinki we went to Martat and heard some thing abaut their work and food. Then we went to a Pizza Rax, and I ate really much. Then after that we went to a shopping centre, called Stockmann.Then we drove back to home. In the home we again just relaxed and talked with Patricia. This day was really the best!

19.11.2016 Saturday

Saturday was last morning with Patricia. It was really sad to leave her. I have to say that this was a great experience and I will never forget this!


On Sunday we left our homes a little before eleven.Then the bus took us to the airport.Frist we flew to Copenhagen, then from there to Gdansk.Then we met our houst family and after that we went to sleep.


On Monday we played games at school.After that we went to bowling and we ate pizza.It was really fun!!After school we went to Gdansk and Sopot with Maya.They were beautifull places.Then we were really tired so we went to sleep.


Kuvahaun tulos haulle tonnikalakastike ja pastaOn Tuesday I ate porridge with blueberries for breakfast.After school I made myself tuna sauce and spaghetti, It was delicious!!


On Tuesday we made tasks in Gdansk.Then we went to eating in restaurant..I eat cucumber soap and chiken.After that we went back to school to write our blogs.On spare time Maya took us shopping.The shopping center was a really big.


On Wednesday we went to porcelain factory called Lubiana.
After that we drove to restaurant called Helena and there we ate soup.After eating we went to museum where was old buldings.
There were an old school,church,old houses and wildmill.After museum we alked back to the restaurant and we started cooking.We had meat,dumplings an dessert.


On Thursday we had a presentation abaut food at the school.
After that we went to the Jump city.
After Jump city we went to restaurant called Avocado.There we ate some vegan food. It was really good!!
Then we went back to school and we had some presentation abaut table manners.


At christmas me and my family, made pizza.It's not a traditional finnish christmas food.But me and my family wanted something different.So we made pizza.We ate porridge for breakfast and for dessert we ate traditoinal finnish christmast tart.Kuvahaun tulos haulle joulutorttu


On Friday we went to school at 9.30. We went to the grocery store to buy food for our cooking comptetion.After that we went to some kind of school and they showed us presentation abaut table catearing.Then we started cooking our healthy snacks. My group made fruit shake,healthy sandwiches and panncakes with cherries.After cooking the school day ended and me and Emma went to Kondrad to eat.After eating we drove back to school.We had a film night.At Saturday morning we went to the airport.After the flights, a bus took us back to Kotka.This was great experience. I had a really good time in Poland and I will never forget this trip!


On Monday we got our diplomates for being in this project.


On Wednesday I ate Chili con carne at school.And when I went to home I ate meat soap.Kuvahaun tulos haulle chili con carne


On Saturday me and my friends went Hesburger to eat. I ate cheese hamburger and French fries.
Kuvahaun tulos haulle hesburgerKuvahaun tulos haulle hesburger


On Friday we made a presentation abaut our week in Poland for the whole school.


On Sunday me and my family went Amarillo to eat.I ate salmon and mashed potatoes.It was really good.

Kuvahaun tulos haulle amarilloKuvahaun tulos haulle lohi ja muusi


Hi! Today I translated recipe from Finnish to English for the masterchef contest.