The week in Finland


We made a presentation about the week in Finland. We made it with a program called Prezi. It's kind of the same MS PowerPoint, but it's much cooler. So anyway here is a link to cut down version of the presentation.


Today we first played some meeting games at first then we listened some stuff about fnnish education. After that we ate some regular school meal. Then we talked about finnish food pyramid and played Kahoot. After that we made groups for our MasterChef competition and chose the recipes. Then tried to make accounts for everyone but it was a big mess so it didn't work out :(

They're in Finland!!!

So today German and Polish students arrived to Finland! My guests name is Emil Kowalski he's very funny and polite :)
We picked the students up from a bus station in Karhula.

Kuvahaun tulos haulle karhulan linja-autoasema
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