
Projektiviikko Lohjalla 25.1. - 1.2.2020


Tekijä: Joni Ervasti

In the morning we had presentations of different professions. They told us about their jobs which were sales director, research engineer, entrepreneur. We learned that collaboration with other people is important in working life. We also learned that when we do not know what we want to do it is not always that bad and we can study different things to see what we like the most.

 Then we went to the ice stadium for skating. We played different chasing games on skates. 

In the afternoon we had a group contest about innovations linked to circular economy. 

It was a good day and now we are really tired!


by Tuuli (Finland) and Karoline (Estonia)


Tekijä: Joni Ervasti

Today we went to Orthex plastic factory, then teachers devided us to two groups. One group went to factory and other group watch a presentation about Orthex factory. In the factory they showed us how plastic furniture is made. Factory had many sections one of them was very big section and there were all of the machines. There were huge storage area were all of the products are keeped before selling them to customers. After the tour we went to a meeting room were they showed us how they recycle plastic and how they transform old plastic things into a new product. After Orthex we went eat lunch, and in the afternoon we went to rosk'n roll. Rosk'n Roll is a waste center where you can bring your old things like frides or things that you can't throw in to dust bin. When we arrived to the center a guide showed us the place where to throw away the things that you don't need any more and explained how the center works. Then we visited in a trash hill, it was from 1990 when people threw away their garbages. Then we went to bus and back to school.

Sauli Laurila and Patrik Nones


Tekijä: Joni Ervasti

In the morning we went to the small dining room and everyone introduces themselves. Then the hosts gave the guests a tour of the school and we got activity bracelets. Then everyone had two lessons and lunch according to the hosts schedule. After lunch we competed in groups of three practising throwing accurary with old phones. Then we went to one of the math classrooms and we practised ICT-skills and robotics.

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