
so i´m writing about the melissa´s blog and her challenge week. she decided to be without sugar. on the first day she ate apples and other healthy foods and natural yogurt. she also made some nutbread by herself.

on the second day she ate some porridge-thingy with healthy fruits. after school she drank some selfmade apple juice and her mother made omelettes. for the dinner she had the selfmade bread.

next day at school she had vegetable soup and rice with fresh vegetables. she also ate her selfmade bread and drank a lot of water.

then the next she didn´t have to go to school cause she was "working" at the police station. she ate porridge and her selfmade bread (it was the last piece). then when she went home she made a new one.

next day she had some spelled flakes. she ate her own made lunch at school. for a dinner she had the pizza soup.

the next day she had her grandfather´s birthday and they ate just vegetables for a dinner. she told that it was really hard to not eat any sweets. the last day she had her friend´s confirmation party. they ate the lunch at a restaurant.


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