Tuesday 15.5.2018

We had to wake up 5.30 a.m because German and Polish people went to Hippala farm in the morning. And they had to be in school 7 a.m. So me and Weronika went to school by bikes. They left by cyckling to Hippala farm, the distance was about 10 km. 
I stayed to school with Noora, Taneli and Essi. We went first to food market and then we came back to read for Fysik's big test.
When exchange students and some teachers came back we star to do our blogs. And someones star to prepare presentation about different vegetarians.
After that we went to home and later the evening mostly everybody went to shopping center Pasaati. For myself I had little bit boring, but Weronika says me that she had fun. 
We came home 9 p.m and ate something and went to bed.