Homework 1

Read 2 articles in English related to your work or just work in general. Think how to trigger a conversation based on the articles you have read. Prepare questions to ask other students. You can use
http://www.bbc.com/, https://www.salary.com/The-Best-Jobs-50-Best-Jobs-in-Amerca/, http://money.cnn.com/pf/best-jobs/,
http://www.businessinsider.com/glassdoor-european-employment-rankings-201516-2015-12?r=UK&IR=T&IR=T, https://www.movehub.com/blog/top-7-cities-europe-work-now,
http://www.ilo.org/global/topics/working-conditions/lang--en/index.htm, https://finland.fi/facts-stats-and-info/how-about-getting-a-job-in-finland/ or any other sources of your interest.
IMPORTANT: Upload them here so as other students can see it. You can just attach here links to your articles.
  • Palauta kuva tai muu tiedosto
  • Palauta merkintä
  • Palauta linkki

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