
Negotiations part 1

The aims of the class are:
-to practise role plays: negotiations
-to review some aspects of reported speech.

Nogotiations - examples

Watch the video from the link below:

charge - if you charge someone an amount of money, you ask them to pay that amount for something that you have sold to them or done for them.
storage -  the putting and keeping of things in a special place for use in the future.
clarify - to make something clear or easier to understand by giving more details or a simpler explanation.
bring down - to cause something to become less, decrease
sleep on something – think about something for some time.
airtime - (the amount of) broadcasting time that someone or something has on television or radio.
quote – to give a price.
viewership - the type or number of people who watch a particular television programme or station.
actually - in fact or really.
afford -  to buy or do something because you have enough money or time.
give a go ahead – here: accept
forward - to send a letter, etc., especially from someone's old address to their new address, or to send a letter, email, etc. that you have received to someone else.
request - to ask for something politely or officially.
consider - to spend time thinking about a possibility or making a decision.
advertisements (formal)/ ads (informal)/ adverts (informal) – a picture, short film, song, etc. that tries to persuade people to buy a product or service, or piece of text that tells people about a job, etc.
annual - happening once every year.
performance -  how well a person, machine, etc. does a piece of work or an activity.
salary hike – pay rise, more money for your work
issue – a subject or problem that people are thinking and talking about.
handle – deal with
entirely – completely
disappointing – letting somebody’s down
modification – change
effort - physical or mental activity needed to achieve something.
reasonable – acceptable
 Useful expressions:
I’d like to hear more about how you charge for your service.
Can you bring down the rates?
Mr. Smith, can you give me your best offer?
It actually works out to be more expensive. - It calculates to be more expensive
Mr. Smith, can you please give me your best offer?
I don’t think we can really afford it.
I have to admit this is really disappointing. - I have to say.....
I will talk to the manager again about it Richard, but 10 % is standard.
That’s cutting it rather thin. – That's not enough or insufficient time to deal with it.
I don’t want to disappoint you later.
That sounds reasonable.

Negotiations - role plays

Role play 1
Student A
You are a sales assistant (myyjä) selling electrical appliances (appliance-kodinkone).  
You can offer the customer interest-free (interest-korko) credit terms (ehdot). The Acme Turbowash is on special offer at the moment, and includes (sisältää) a lot of special features (feature-ominaisuus) like special cold wash cycle and is only 319 euros (26.60 euros per month for 12 months).
Student B
You want to buy a new washing machine (pesukone) – visit the electrical appliance shop and see if the sales assistant will offer you a discount (alennus).
You don't want to spend a lot of money, but respond positively if interest-free credit terms are offered. You can afford (olla varaa) up to (ei enää) 50 euros per month on credit repayments (repayment - korvaaminen).

Role play 2
Student A
You are a landlord (vuokranantaja) meeting a prospective (tuleva) tenant (vuokraaja) for your studio apartment (yksiö) iin Lyon. 
The flat is very small and on the 4th floor (floor-kerros) (there is no lift). It has a living room, kitchen and one bedroom, plus a tiny (pieni) shower room and toilet.  You have been trying to get 600 euros for this flat of 20 square metres (squere metre - neliömetri), but now you are prepared to reduce (alentaa) that to 500 euros if a reliable (luotettava) tenant comes. The electricity bill (sähkölasku) is very low (matala) as the flat is well-insulated (hyvin-eristetty), so be prepared to include (sisältää) the cost of electricity in the rent (vuokra) if needed in the negotiation.
Student B
You are meeting the landlord (vuokranantaja) of a flat you are interested in renting (vuokraus). It is tiny (pieni) and on a top floor without (ilman) a lift (hissi) but the situation is perfect for you and you are very keen (innokas).
The asking price is 600 euros per month; try to negotiate 450. You can finally agree (hyväksyä) to 500 if the electricity is included (sisältyy).

Role play 3
Student A
You are a market stallholder (torinmyyjä) selling fruit and vegetables and it is 11.45am, the market closes in 15 minutes.  You have 20 melons left that are ripe (kypsä) and will not be good for sale by next market day, so you are keen (innokas) to sell them. You paid 20 euros for these melons and you don’t want to accept less than that.
Student B
You visit the market just before it closes as you need to buy 20 melons to provide (tarjota) the starter at a party you are hosting. Negotiate the price with the stallholder (torinmyyjä) bearing in mind (bear in mind - pitää mielessä) that normally 20 melons of this quality (laatu) cost at least (at least-vähintään) 40 euros.

Role play 4
Student A
You run (run-johtaa) a small café in Lyon. You often employ (employ-työllistaa) students, paying the minimum wage (minimi palkka) of 9.40 euros per hour. You get a lot of foreigners (foreigner-ulkomaalainen) in summer and someone who can speak English is useful (hyödyllinen) to have in the team.  Interview (interview-haastatella) this student, and if you feel they present themselves well, offer a Saturday job (8 hours) paying 10 euros an hour. If the candidate asks to work on Sundays, offer 4 hours on that day at the same rate.
Student B
You are going to be interviewed (joku haastattelee sinua) by a café owner in Lyon for a Saturday job to serve customers. You have experience doing this sort of work and you are fluent (sujuva) in English. You need to earn around 120 euros a week, you can work 8 hours on Saturday and 4 hours on Sunday.

Reported speech - rules

The changes of verb tenses in the indirect (reported) speech

Present - past

The present simple tense becomes the past simple tense and the present continuous becomes the past continuous.

"I never understand you," she told me. - She told me she never understood me.

 "We are exercising," he explained. - He explained that they were exercising.

Present perfect -> past perfect

The present perfect simple changes into the past perfect simple and the present perfect continuous changes into the past perfect continuous.

"I have broken the window," he admitted. - He admitted that he had broken the window.

"I have been waiting since the morning," he complained. - He complained that he had been waiting since the morning.

Past -> past perfect

The past simple tense becomes the past perfect simple and the past continuous becomes the past perfect continuous.

"She went to Rome," I thought. - I thought that she had gone to Rome.

"He was thinking of buying a new car," she said. - She said he had been thinking of buying a new car.

Will -> conditional

Will changes into the conditional.

"I will come on Sunday," he said to me. - He said to me that he would come on Sunday.


I shall, we shall usually become would.

"I shall appreciate it," he said. - He said he would appreciate it.

The first person conditional I should, we should usually changes into would.

"We should be really glad," she told us. - She told us they would be really glad.

May becomes might.

"I may write to him," she promised. - She promised that she might write to him.


Reported speech - rules

Reported speech - drills

Dave said, "I have a meeting at 2:00."
Dave said that he had a meeting at 2:00.
The weatherman said, "It will rain all weekend."
The weatherman said that it would rain all weekend.
Ben said, "I will go hiking on Sunday." 
Ben said he would go hiking on Sunday.
Harry announced, "I'm getting married!" present continuous -> past continuous
Harry announced that he was getting married!
 The news said, "Global warming is going to cause many problems."  
 The news said that global warming was going to cause many problems.
The teacher announced, "There is going to be a test on Monday."  
The teacher announced that there was going to be a test on Monday.
The dentist recommended, "You should start flossing."  
The dentist recommended that we/I  would start flossing.