

Aims of the lesson: needs analysis, introducing yourself (private and professional life), present simple and present continuous with reference to your professional life.

The teacher introduces herself

Introducing yourself + needs analysis

Students' needs analysis

Kirjaudu sisään lähettääksesi tämän lomakkeen

1. What is your name?
2. Which company do you work for?

3. What is your position in the company?

4. What are your duties?

5. To help us make the English programme most suitable for you, please fill out the form below.
Which of the areas do you most need to improve in your English?

6. How much time would you like to spend on practising the following communication skills?
Choose the number from 1 (no time) to 5 (a lot of time)

6.1 Giving presentations
1 2 3 4 5
6.2 Negotiating
1 2 3 4 5
6.3. Attending meetings
1 2 3 4 5
6.4. Using the phone
1 2 3 4 5
6.5. Reporting to managers
1 2 3 4 5
6.6. Understanding the news
1 2 3 4 5
6.7. Talking to clients
1 2 3 4 5
6.8. Talking to colleagues
1 2 3 4 5
6.9. Dealing with visitors
1 2 3 4 5

7. How much time would you like to spend on the following business topics?
Choose the number from 1 (no time) to 5 (a lot of time)

Topics Time
1 2 3 4 5

Political/economic context
1 2 3 4 5

Business travel
1 2 3 4 5

Sales and Marketing
1 2 3 4 5

Banking and Finance
1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

Human Resources
1 2 3 4 5

International trade
1 2 3 4 5

New technology
1 2 3 4 5

Recent business news
1 2 3 4 5

General interest articles
1 2 3 4 5

Specialist articles
1 2 3 4 5

Other job-related topics:

Any other comments you wish to share about this course:

Kirjaudu sisään lähettääksesi tämän lomakkeen

Finish work-related sentences

1. My responsibilities at work include…………..
Aila:Management of farm, taking care of heifers, crop production, advisory serviceS etc.
Asta: My main task was data analysis of meaurements. I was responsible FOR the chemistry laboratory. 
Eila Customers service ON the phone etc
Jarmo:Sales in Finland and Baltics
Nina: being on time at the office
Seppo:Customer serviceS by email and phone and i sale I SELLING spare parts etc (include+a noun/verb-ing)
Kirsti: managing and developin the Adult Education Services of Sisa-Savoi. Being responsible for the budget of the community college, the premises used and personnel development, as well as creating new projects.

2. I really like my current job because……………
Aila:It is so versatile, not THE same kindS of days
Asta: I liked to use different softwares.software (uncountable) 
Eila: I can do manya lot of (basically, in positive sentences we use A LOT OF/LOTS OF  and in negative and interrogative sentences (questions) MANY (for countable nouns) and MUCH  (for uncountable nouns) different kinds of works
Jarmo:I meet interesting customers
Nina: the (the refers to specific days)   all working days are all very interesting
Seppo: Every day is different and  every day learn  (I learn myself; I teach somebody) TEACHES  (you teach somebody) something new
Kirsti. The working ways are never the same and I can work with very creative people.

3. The one aspect about my job I dislike most is …………………..because …………..
Aila:the A (not specified, the listener doesn't know what kind of season is in question)short growing season and because you are in a hurry to be able to do all important tasks during the summer season
Asta: Giving presentations in meetings, especially in English. Many projects ARE going on at the same time. 
Jarmo:Driving in autumn because it's so dark
Nina: short vacation next summer
Seppo: hurry sometimes 
Kirsti: The one aspect about my job I dislike most is that not all the people get enthousiasted about the project ideas I innovate. It is frustrating also to wait for decisions about the projects for a long time.
4. The first impression I got from my boss was………
Aila:Hmm what I would say about my mirror face...(FUNNY:-))
Asta: A specialist in his field. 
Eila: She is A super energic person.
Jarmo:I think he was fair
Nina: that she has more energy than anyone else i Iknow
Seppo:too difficult question (so it must have been a difficult experience for you...)
Kirsti: she is very concerned that the job contracts are made acoording to the collective labour agreements.

5. If I could run my own company or own my business, I would choose to……………..
Aila:do the same as I now do NOW
Asta: I don't like/want to run MY own business. 
Eila: I want a little choclad CHOCOLATEshop
Jarmo:Same as I do (well, it depends. I would say: as I am doing to refer to present situation around NOW;if you want to empheise something like a permanent state, even if you use NOW, it is ok) now
Nina: I could run my own business if i wanted to
Seppo:('I would choose to"....requires a ver/A a noun:AN EMPLOYER BECAUSE MY KIDS ARE LITTLE) )oday when kids are little my choice is AN employer .
Kirsti: to organise Erasmus courses for educators, international projects and save the world

What I find most boring about my job is…………..
Aila:to tell the other farmers when it is the a time to quit trying and start to think, how to get rid of the farm
Asta: So many meetings during the week, and if nothing was DECIDED desided. 
Eila: Days when almost all customers are in the A bad mood. 
Jarmo:Useless meetings
Nina: meetings
Seppo: iI  have a three month old  THREE-MONTH-OLD CARRIER  carriar and EVERYTHING) all (all+a noun) is new  so i can´t find boring things.
Kirsti: compiling the statistics

Aila:international farming issues... because it would give me the opportunity to  travel and to meet other farmers abroad and to get TO know more about farm management systems 
Asta: Allmost ALMOST any job would be nice. 
Jarmo:Hard to say
Seppo:  challenges 

6. …In my profession I am responsible for…………….
Aila:other farmers and also for my own income
Jarmo:(I am responsible for+pronoun/noun/verb-ing)I have having my own budget and I'm responsible of form t FOR that
Seppo: Try solve problems so that  company don´t lost money and customer stay pleased. 
Kirsti: running the Sisä Savo Adult Education Services

7. By profession I am a/an………..
Aila:farmer and A private farm advisor
Asta: Project researcher (applying optical measurements in developing on-line measurement devices).
Jarmo:Area Manager
Nina: A secretary
Seppo: PRODUCT Procuct support
Kirsti: A principal

8. The thing I dislike about job interviews is…
Aila:that I do not have experience of IN the interview situations and I am quite uncertain to talk about myself
Asta: Hope to get into job interviews.(WE ARE GOING TO HAVE JOB INTERVIEW DIALOGUES)
Jarmo:I don't know becausE THE last time I was inAT A job interwiew was over 30 yeas ago
Nina: I love job interviews because I can say WHATEVER what ever I want
Seppo: A psychological test.
Kirsti: a psychological test also

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