
Write the questions in the right order and make a guess:
1. What / customers / complain / unhappy / percentage of / never /?
A. 50%  B. 75%  C. 96%
What percentage of uhappy customers never complain?
2. If you / resolve / to the customer’s satisfaction / a complaint, / stay with you / what percentage of customers / will?
A.between 54% and 70%  B. between 75% and 96%  C. more than 96%
If you resolve a complaint to the customer’s satisfaction, what percentage of customers will stay with you?
3. How many / a dissatisfied / about their experience / people / customer / will / tell /?
A. 4 or 5 people  B. more that 20 people  C. 9 or 10 people
How many people will a dissatisfied customer tell about their experience?
4. If you / tell about it / resolve a complaint / how many people / will the customer / to the customer’s satisfaction?
A. on avarage 2 people  B. on avarage 10 people  C. on avarage 5 people
If you resolve a complaint to the customer’s satisfaction, how many people will the customer tell about it?
5. How many times / to gain / more expensive is it on average / customer / a new / than / an existing one / to retain?. 
A. 10 times more expensive  B. 5 times more expensive  C. 8 times more expensive
How many times more expensive is it on average to gain a new customer than the existing one?


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