What is customer care?

Complete the definition of CUSTOMER CARE with the words following words.

Customer care involves putting systems in place to maximize your customers' satisfaction with your business. It should be a prime consideration for every business - your sales and profitability depends on keeping your customers happy. Customer care is more directly important in some roles than others. For receptionists, sales staff and other employees in customer-facing roles, customer care should be a core  element of their job description and training, and a core criterion when you're recruiting. But don't neglect the importance of customer care in other areas  of your business. For instance, your warehousing and dispatch departments may have minimal contact
with your customers - but their performance when fulfilling orders has a major impact on customers' satisfaction with your business.

profitability - the degree to which a business or activity yields profit or financial gain. (kannattavuus)‘profitability may not improve until well into next year,' ’intense rivalry reduces industry profitability’
performance - the action or process of performing a task or function. (saavutus). ‘the continual performance of a single task reduces a man to the level of a machine’
core: The part of something that is central to its existence or character. ‘the plan has the interests of children at its core,' the basic and most important part of something (pää)
maximize - make as large or great as possible(maksimoida) the company was aiming to maximize profits’


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