Sivukartta Sulje Hankkeet Euroscola 2023 - ensimmäinen yritys Euroscola, toukokuu 2023 From the bottom to the surface -project 08/2018 - 06/2020 Partners Summary Activity plan 1. Activities in the autumn before the first visit 2. Visit in Lithuania in October 21-27, 2018 3. Activities in winter and spring: examples of dealing with water-related issues in various subjects 4. Visit in Finland April 7-13, 2019 5. Visit in Estonia in October 2019 Meeting in Lithuania, October 21st - 28th, 2018 Timetable Meeting in Lappajärvi, April 7th -13th, 2019 Pictures Reports Art Photos around the year from Estonia, Finland and Lithuania Posters Daily program Water analysis Meeting in Estonia, October 7th - 11th, 2019 Opening Ceremony Programme Pictures Report Outcomes and results 2024 Article on Nordplus website Korkeakoulut lukioon-teemaviikko Pohjalta pintaan -hanke Teemaviikko 2018 Teemaviikko 2019 Valokuvauskilpailu Geoproject 2024-2025 Activities Visit to Finland Preparations for the visit Program for the visit Welcome event Geopark route: The Log Drivers' Route in Evijärvi Sauna evening Geopark route: Sacred Hill in Alajärvi Geopark route: Lakeaharju Ridge Lab research Evening with the host families Entrepreneurs' Day Viitala Berry Farm Honkaniemi Honey Flower Savola Fishing Cookery class Multidisciplinary workshop: art, music and dance Farewell evening by the lake