Daily program

Meeting in Lappajärvi April 7-13, 2019

From the Bottom to the Surface 2019 (Estonia, Finland and Lithuania)

Teachers: Anna, Arja, Mikko, Marko, Tarja, Avo, Olga (E), Nadezda (E), Salomeja (L), Inga (L)

Students: 14 1st year students including 6 hosts (Heta, Jelena, Miisa, Sanni, Tiia, Touko); 3 2nd year students; 3rd year hosts (Kaisla, Elsa, Aino, Emmi + Anna T.);  6 hosts from lower secondary school (Siina, Jaakko, Aliisa, Viljami, Emilia and Topias)

Arrival at school on Sunday evening. The train is in Seinäjoki at 17.17. Some students whose hosts live along the way from Seinäjoki to Lappajärvi are dropped off on the way to school.


  • 9-10 Opening ceremony: welcome words by the headmaster, Mrs Tarja Puro, music performed by the 7th graders, a slide show introducing Lappajärvi and Finland (1st year students)
  • 10-11 experiments on Google Meet conferencing system and our digital course exam system called Abitti
  • 11. 00- 11.30 lunch at the vocational school
  • 11.30 - 14 instructions and a field trip to pick up local water samples NOTE! There are water samples also from Lithuania and Estonia. 4 samples by 4 groups. The bottles must be taped with the names, the samples should be taken from the depth of 1 m.
  • 14-15 get-together with music and games
  • evening in families or at the youth center from 17-20


  • 9-11.35 lab work (oxygen, opacity, acidity, nitrate,...)
  • 11.35-12.05 lunch
  • 12.05-15 the whole group is divided into two smaller ones, while one group is writing reports on the lab work the other is dissecting fish, half-way we will change groups
  • evening in families or Kaisla's workout at Kivitippu


  • 9-9.15 a representative of the municipality
  • 9.15- 10 meteorite exhibition
  • 10. 15 a film called the Story of the Lake (1 h 10 min)
  • 11.30- 12 lunch
  • 12 - 13 fire station’s rescue demonstration
  • 13-15 sweat and water workout of your choice at the gym, in the sports hall (floorball + blindball), swimming pool and sauna
  • evening trek to a lean-to in the woods guided by the local hunting club: frying sausages and marshmallows on open fire (alternative program in case of rain: watching the movie Life of Pi at the school)


  • start at 8 o’clock from school, a snack and some juice from the host families
  • information about the landscape and nature around Kvarken (the narrowest part of the sea between Finland and Sweden)
  • 10-11 visit to Söderfjärden meteorite crater 10 km off Vaasa
  • 11.15 - 12 The House of the Seas by the bridge of Raippaluoto: exhibition with a guide  
  • 12.30-13 lunch at the university of Vaasa (Mathilda)
  • 13-14 Vaasa City Art Gallery and the Photo Gallery Ibis
  • 14-17 shopping/free time at the center of the city
  • back at Lappajärvi by 19.00


workshops 9- 11.35, lunch at 11.35, a folk concert and presentations 

  • photo gallery (Emmi, Kaisla and Elsa + 11 students): pictures from Lithuania, Estonia and Finland. 30 pictures are printed, grouped, given titles and displayed as a slide show and on the walls
  • arts workshop (Aino and Anna + 12 students + teachers from each country) compiling a poster on water protection/climate change
  • newsroom (11 students + teachers from each country) working on water facts and innovations, preparing slide shows
  • 12-13 a folk concert for the whole school in the auditorium
  • presentations on the net and on the walls
  • conclusion with thanks 
  • teachers' dinner at Kivitippu at 18

Departure early on Saturday morning from the school. The train from Seinäjoki leaves at 8:53. Those who stay in families living along the route to Seinäjoki will be picked up along the route.

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