

Sep 24 Online meeting 
In the first onling meeting the students from both countries will get to know each other by asking and answering questions. They will also be given information about their host families during the visit and practical information about the country and the weather at the time of the visit.

Sep 30 - Oct 4 A group from Rome, Italy, visiting Lappajärvi
The visit will include e.g. a hiking tour to geosites guided by a geology expert, climbing the hill Lakeaharju, collecting samples and analysing them in the lab. They will also carry out surveys on the effects of outdoor activities on their health and well-being and meet the local entrepreneurs to test natural food and health products. There will be various social gatherings to play games and meet other young people.

Dec 3 Online meeting
Christmas greetings between Finland and Italy. Sharing cultural traditions and nature photographs with stories (a slide show). A musical performance from each school.

Apr 15 Online meeting
Italian students will tell about their experiences in Finland, the impact of nature-based tourism, and Finnish food culture. They will also introduce Italian cuisine and its cultural and economical importance. 

May 5 - 9 A group from Lappajärvi, Finland, visiting Rome
The Finnish students are acquainted with the Italian school system, its cultural traditions, food and history. They will be shown around in Rome and they will visit the Roman countryside, the volcanic lakes of Nemi and Castel Gandolfo. There will also be a trip to Lardarello and its geothermal area. They will conduct a study comparing the geological areas in each country. käyttää vain välttämättömiä evästeitä istunnon ylläpitämiseen ja anonyymiin tekniseen tilastointiin. ei koskaan käytä evästeitä markkinointiin tai kerää yksilöityjä tilastoja. Lisää tietoa evästeistä