4. Visit in Finland April 7-13, 2019

Day to day plan

DAY 1 NATURE Field trip to collect water samples, study of the fishes in the local river/lake; dissecting fish in the lab/ preparing fish for food.
DAY 2 SCIENCE Lab work (temperature/oxygen/pH/opacity/nitrate) Excursion to a local research institute (freshwater pearl mussel). Sauna evening.
DAYS 3-4 LITERATURE, PERFORMING ARTS, VISUAL ARTS Including watercolor painting, compiling a photo gallery of water pictures in different seasons; water-related songs/poems/plays rewritten/ translated and performed; news reports, articles and books on water discussed and presented; the film on the birth of the biggest meteorite lake in Europe and the meteorite exhibition.
DAY 5 GET-TOGETHER Meeting the pupils and teachers from four neighboring schools working in a similar, local project; presentation of the results of the workshops and participating in a sports activity.

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