Jia's blog

Tekijä: Sirja Haiko

14.10.2016 First time writing a blog


Today i did the beginning questionnaire.It’s also my first time, when I write a blog. I don’t know very much about this project and Germany yet, but maybe later more.

Have a nice day! :D

14.11.2016 Go to school with exchange student

Hello! :D

Today is the first day, when I went to school with my exchange student. My exchange student is come from Germany and her name is Antonia Hammermüeller. She is now 14 years old. Today we have done so many things. Such made our own recipe and shopping list for MasterChef -competition.

After school we are going to shopping!

15.11.2016 Small tour in Kotka

Hi again!

Today we surely were tired. We and our exchange students visited Kotka together by bus. First we had a small tour. We visited such Sunila, Langinkoski, park Katariina and park Sapokka. Langinkoski was a very beuatiful place. There have many old and beautiful cottages, because the place had been a summer holiday home for Russian emperor. Then we went to Vellamo. It's a museum in the middle of harbour of Kotka. The place was very interesting and beautiful too. Finally we went to shopping center Pasaati. We drank hot chocolate and then we had to go home.

It's was a very nice day! :)

Thece pictures are from Langinkoski. :D

16.11.2016 Master Chef -competitive


It's Wednesday and we had Master Chef -competitive. Our school started at 8 o'clock and first we had to design our table settings. Then 2-3 students from every grops went to shopping. At 12:30 started the competitive. We had 4 groups: red, blue, black and green. Our team was green. We made Russians dumplings, Germans fried potatoes and Finns blueberry pie. We had only 2 hours to make our food and just 4 students from every groups could cooked. :(
Unfortunately our group didn't win, but I think the main thing is that exchange students would learn some new skills for home economic. :D

Gongratulations to you, winners! :)

17.11.2016 Spend a day in Luovi

Hi! :)

We went to Luovi today! :D
Luovi is a camp area and we visited here by bus at 9 o'clock. First we made simple Finns karjala's pies with our teachers and they looked like this:

Then we had lunch time. Today we ate fish soup and karjala's pie:

After the lunch time we had sauna. Someone went to sauna and someone to barbecue:

We had so much sausages. :D
At 4 o'clock we went home.

A very funny day, isn't it? :)

Thece pictures are from Luovi:

18.11.2016 We are going to Helsinki


It's Friday and we go to Helsinki! :D
Bus left at 8 o'clock and first we visited to Marttaliitto. Then we have lunch time and we went to Rax. There had so many different pizzas and we got ice cream too. After lunch we went to Helsinki's cathedral:

Next to the cathedral is Helsinki's library:

Then we had free time and we went to a tourist shop:

Finnaly we went to shopping centre Stockmann and then came back to Kotka:

A very nice day :), but tomorrow the exchange students must come back to Germany and Poland. :(

19.11.2016 Goodbye and see you next year!


Today exchange students go back to Germany and Poland. We have been and spent time together just 7 days, but it was sad to say goodbye to them. :(
But...I am going to Germany next year and I hope that we will meet again! :)

So...See you next year, exchange students! :D

24.12.2016 Finns Christmas

Happy Christmas and happy new year! :D
Today I will tell you about Finns Christmas.

We eat Christmas porridge with cinnamon powder. Person, who have found a almond in the Christmas porridge, will have good luck! ;)

A typical Christmas meal is Christmas ham with root boxes and “rosolli”. Root boxes are carrot box, potato box or swede box. “Rosolli” is simple Christmas salad. Salad include beetroots, carrots, potatoes, onions and acid cucumbers or apples with cream sauce.

We often make Christmas cookies, Christmas tarts and “glögi” ourself. “Glögi” is typical Christmas drink. It's hot cinnamon drink and often include a bit of alcohol. :I

Some information about our food

Hi again, everybody! :)

It was a long time when I had written a blog! Today I want to tell you about our foodmeals. In Finland, people must eat five meals in a day and they are often breakfast, lunch/dinner, snack, supper and some evening snack. Our snacks are often fruits and jogurt, but unfornately many of us doesn't eat snacks. The others meals are roughly the same as yours.

There are some pictures for my foodmeals:

There is my simple breakfast; just milk and bread with butter, cheese, salad and sausage.

There are my lunch; beans soup and potato sose with sausages and salad.
We often eat lunch at school. The meals change every day...so sometimes we eat some meat with potatoes and salad and sometimes pasta or rice with sauce, soups, porridge with jams...
But we always have milk and bread. ;)

14.04.2017 Easter

Happy Easter! (・▽・)

Today I will tell you about Finns Easter foods. In Finland we often eat chocolate eggs, lamb and mämmi.

Chocolate eggs, rabbits and chicks are important Easter symbols.Children play Easter egg hunt -game and they hide and find chocolate eggs. :D

Lamb is typical and simple traditional Easter meat food. People often eat Lamb meatballs with cream potatoes or mashed potatoes.

Mämmi, “Easter pudding” is a traditional Finns Easter food. It's similar to porridge. It's served cooled with cream and sugar.

A challenge week

Hi! :D

Our challenge week will begin soon and now I will tell you about the challenge week.

So... What is the challenge week?

In that week, we can't eat one food of our food habit. We will write our blog about our challenge week, then you can see, how are our seven days. That's not very nice, because we can't eat what we want!!! :O

And...what is my choosing food?

Bread with BUTTER, of course! :)
We eat so much fat every day... :l
So... I will be a week without butter!
Let's go, I can do it!!! :D

Ok, guys! See you later! :)

01.05.2017 International Worker's Day

Happy Worker's Day, have you worked yet? ;)

So...now I will tell you about our Worker's Day.

In Finnish, Worker's Day is called “vappu”. At this time, we just eat some good. :) We eat doughnuts, funnel cakes, candies... In addition, we drink sima at this time too.

Funnel cake, “tippaleipä” in Finnish, is a typical May Day dessert in Finland.

Sima is traditional Finns drink. It's orginally mead, an alcoholic beverage produced by brewing a solution of honey and water.

01.05.2017 Challenge day 1/7

Hello! :)

Today is Monday and it's also my first challenge day. My breakfast was milk and a bread with cucumber and salad. I didn't use butter with bread...so the bread wasn't very good. :( But any way, I only have six days. Just six days, then I can eat bread with butter again! :)

02.05.2017 Challenge day 2/7

Hi again!

Today is Tuesday and my second challenge day. Today was a normally day, because I didn't eat any bread...so I also hadn't to think about butter. :D All was good yet... ;)

Have a nice day!

03.05.2017 Challenge day 3/7

Hello! :D

Today is Wednesday and my third chanllenge day. I ate two bread without butter and it was very tasteless. :x Now I know, how delicious will be bread with butter. :] But, fortunately the challenge week will be finish soon! ◉ ω ◉

05.05.2017 Challenge day 5/7

Hi! :D

Today is Friday and my fifth challenge day. Just two days, then it's over!!! ˆoˆ Today I still didn't ate bread with butter. It didn't feel as tasteless and bad as it was in the beginning! ;D

Come on, I can do it! ☆

06.05.2017 Challenge day 6/7


Today is Saturday and my sixth challenge day. I didn't use butter, because I haven't eaten any bread today. :) I feel not bad! Just one day, then it's over!

07.05.2017 Challenge day 7/7

Hello! ;)

Today is Sunday and my last challenge day. Now, the challenge week is over! Tomorrow I can eat bread with butter again! Great job! ;)

By the way, today is a special day, because we go to Germany!!!

See you later! :D

07.05.2017 We go to Germany

Hallo, wie geht's euch? (Hello, who are you?)

Today we go to Germany! Today we woke up at 04.00 and unfornately it's very early! :( The bus went to Helsinki at 05.00, because we flew to Germany at 09.00.Seven studens from Finland are going to Lübeck.

Then we went to the train station by merto. We ate a sandwich and then went to Lübeck by train. All here was so beautifull and the weather was very warm and sunny.

Then the stundes from Germany and their parents came to take us and then we go to their home. Later, I and my exchange stundent family went to see Germany's enviroment by bike. It was soo beautifull! ;)

Then we ate some bread and spaghetti ice. Finall we played some board game. I can eat bread with butter soon, because the challenge week is over!!! By the way, my German exchange student 's name is Finja Bull. ;D

Tschüss und auf wiedersehen! :) (Bye and see you!)

08.05.2017 First time going to Ernestinenschule


Today is my first time, when I go to Ernestinenshule in Lübeck with my exchange student. The school is very beautifull, big and old. Particularly their canteen is very old, but pretty.

I woke up at 06.00 and then I ate bread and drank fruit smoothie. They were very delicious! Then we went to the school by bike. At 08.00, we meet all student and teacher. We made a small school tour in mixed groups and then we ate healthy and delicious breakfast at the schooll cafeteria/canteen.

At 10.00, students from Germany did a presetation of the cafeteria pjorect work.

At 11.00, we had “discovering Lübeck” in mixed groups. Every group had to take funnies pictures.

Finally we have lunch and the food was very delicious!

School day finished at 14.00 and then I and my exchange stundent went to shop. We bought some clothes, make-ups and marzipan/chocolate. Marzipan is very famous in Lübeck.

Then we ate “crêpes”. They are pancake from France.

Finally we went home. Everything is perfect now! ;)


09.05.2017 Small tour in Brüggen


Today we went to “Brüggen”. It's a grocery factory and pjoduces cereals. But unfornately, only Finns and Polishs went to the factory. Germans have a normally school day. :( Here, we heard a presentation of the factory and some information of cereals production. The presentation was very cool.

Then we made a small factor tour. The tour was very interesting and we saw, how the cereals were made.

Then we went back to school, because we had lunch. The lunch was delicious!
Later we made small groups and we answerd to some factory's questions. Germans had done the questions. ;) Then we wrote our blogs of this visiting week. After that, we went to home. Later, I and Finja's family went to “Sky” supermarket. We bought some cheese, sausage, ham, chocolate, biscuit, drink and sweet. Then we went home.

A very nice day, isn't it? :D

10.05.2017 We go to Niederegger and Dassow village

Hallo! :D

Today was a very nice day, baecause we have done so many things. First we went to school with exchange students and then, we went to their lessons for two hours.

My exchange student had natural science and sosial studies. The lessons were interesting. ;) Then we went to marzipanflagstore of Niederegger without Germans. :( There we made a small tour. The marzipans were very pretty and delicious. ^o^

Then we had free time and we went to shopping.

Later we met our exchange students and we went back to school together, because we had lunch. We ate some pancake with apple jym. They were good, but maybe too sweet... :)

After lunch we went to a village Dassow by bus, which is near Lübeck. There we did our cooking-workshop. We surely had a very fantastic opportunity to be there! :D The meals were very beautifull, delicious and ecological!!!

Vegetable bolognese and spaghetti with cheese.

Asparaguses with pork and cuscus-sweet potatoes mousse.

Porridge with strawberry-rhubarb jam.

Finally we went home by bus too and we were at home maybe 20.30.

So...once again, thank you very much, German cooks, whose were helping us and it was a joy to be Dassow village! ;D

11.05.2017 Spend a day at the organic farm

Hallo! :)

Today we went to the farm by bus and then we walked. The farm was very cool, because it's biological, so everything is grown in a biological setting without chemicals and then the foods are very healthy. ;D

But unfornately we had to walk about 3,5 kilometres in order to get to the farm. :( Then teachers seperated us into two groups and we had a small tour. We learned about making cheese, the bakery, the stables, plants and more in an ecological way.

We also went to henhouse and there have over 200 chickens and 6 cucks. We touched the chickens and the farmer showed us the eggs too. :D

Then we produced our own butter. We had to shake it very much and very long time, so my arms were very tired. :( But the butter was very good and ecological.

After that, we had picknick at the farm. We ate different breads, cheeses, sausages, vegetables and fruits and drank juices and water.

Finally, we watched animals and went back to bus station. We had to walked about 3,5 kilometres again. :(

Then we went home.

So...even the smell is not very nice, but we had fun! :)

12.05.2017 School picknick

Hallo Leute! ;) (Hi, people!)

Today we have school picknick!!! But first, we had two hours normally lessons. My exchange student had history and French. But after history, I had to go English lesson. Lessons were very interesting. :) Then we met other students and we made 3 small groups. Every group had to made presentation of one of our visiting day and the presentation is showed to German parents later in the evening. Our group made a presentation from biological farm.

Then we went to European Hansemuseum together. The museum is very near Ernestinenshule. There we have two hours tour of the Hanseatic league. The tour was cool.

After the museum tour we went home with our exchange students. Then I helped my exchange student to cook spaghetti with tomato sose and cheese, because we had to eat lunch. ;) Later we made our picknick, because everyone had to take some food to the school so, we cooked mozzarella with tomatoes and olive oil. After that we had to go to the school.

At the school we covered the table and trained our presentation. We had a lot of food and drink. :D Then we showed our presentations to the German parents

After the presentations we ate picknick. The foods were very delicious.

Then we went upstairs class and students and parents got to heard about our fotographic competitive on Monday. We watched the fotos of every groups and then parents had to vote the best and funniest fotos. Finally one German teacher calculated the ballot and said to us the winner group. The winners got cups with Ernestinenshule -logo.

Later we went home about 20.30 and then I packed my luggage half ready. Tomorrow I had to go back to Finland and it's very sad to say them goodbye and go back home. :( Even we have been just a week here, but I love Lübeck and people here. They are so friendly!!! :)


13.05.2017 Back to Finland


It's time to go home! Today we had to go Finland. :( We woke up at 8.00 and then I packed a bit my luggage. After that we went to eat breakfast. Today we had very delicious breakfast. ;)

Then we had a bit time, so we played some cards. Later we had to go the train station by car. We are so fast, so we had a bit time to shopping. Then we met other students and teachers. We went to wait the train together. The train came soon, but it was so sad to say them goodbye. ╥╯﹏╰╥

Later we arrived to Hamburg and we had par hours shopping time. Everyone bought something! ;) Then we went to “Vapiano” restaurant to eat our lunch. I took spaghetti with sausage-cheese sauce. It was very delicious. :D

After luch we went to the Airport by metro. Later we went to the plane and went back to Helsinki. We were home at 00.00.

Tshüss Lübeck! :(