Venla's blog

saturday 12.5 & sunday 13.5

Saturday Germany's students came to Finland, at 18.00. Then we went home to Karhula bus station.
At home we ate and rested... 

Sunday Poland students came to Finland, Karhulan linja-autoasema at 16.30. Then we left home. At home we rested, because Zuzia was very tired. In the evening we ate and we went in the shower and went to bed. 

These days we fell rest.


Saturday was our last day. We went to the animal park together. We were in the animal park for a couple of hours and after that Zuzia, Julia, Heta and I went to eat pizza. After the food we went to the old town and it was really beautiful. We met a lot of Finns in the old town, we talked to them for a moment with Heta. At 18 o'clock we had to leave for the airport. At the airport we were happy with the accommodation families and a little moment. We were very sad to return to Finland. I was very happy with the week even though small situations came in. Thank you all for the week. <3 see you in Finland.


In friday we had to finish the group works (I was in computer club) so we did the work quickly. After school, we went to bake muffins for the evening. we went to school at 18 in the evening, when all the Polish parents, Germans, Poles and Finns went to school. We ate family food at the school and presented the completed works. (drama, computer and comics) In the evening we went to visit Zuzia and her mother in the shopping center. After the shopping center we went to Heta and Julia. we went to the playground and then went to Julia and Zuzia's friends home.


In thursday we went to school and finish your project and ate lunch in the school canteen. After school day we went to Escape Room and there we were divided into international groups. we were there for a couple of hours. it was very fun, exciting and we managed to solve all the tasks. After Escape Room, we went to buy the souvenirs and ran to the tram so that we could eat. In the evening we were with Zuzia, Julia and Heta. this day was tough but awesome.


In Wednesday we went to school to the croups (Drama, computer, serie) I was in the computer. Also some Poles made map of restaurant interviews. Short while ago we had a lunch break so we ate lunches we had received from our families because there are no school meals in Polish schools.
After school we went to the family and ate. After the food we went by train to the Riviera with Heta, Julia and Zuzia. In the evening Julia's mother took me to Zuzia's home.


In tuesday we went to school and from there we went to bus and the bus took us to Gdansk old town. In the bus were an tour guide and he told us things about the old town. After the tour the bus left us near the mariacka tower (church) and we climbed 400 stairs. Then we climbed 400 stairs all the way up Mariacka tower. the church was big and very old. After the rounds we went to playthe city game where we took pictures of restaurants and also did interviews. we went to eat at the restaurant. after dinner we went home and relax.


In monday we were taken to school and we had an infotion using a pedanet. Then schools psychologist came and we had games that helped us to meet each other. At 11a.m we ate lunch at the school canteen and after that we were divided into different groups. After school we went bowling and ate pizza. In the evening we went to the shopping center and eaten and rested. we went to sleep because we were really tired.


I woke up on Sunday at 04.00 and my family took me to Karhula Bus Station at 04.40. we headed to Helsinki-Vantaa airport at 05.00. Our flight left at 8:25 a.m. We arrived to poland at about 9:30 a.m and in airport were divided to the families. After having been accommodated into the family, they eats and rested for a moment. Then we went around the city, beach and exchanged money. Sunday was a nice and relaxed day.



My name is Venla.
I am thirteen years.
I live in Kotka.

I went to this project, because this is interesting and I like to get to know new people.