Well-being Academy

eTwinning project: Well-being Academy

A group of enthusiastic student volunteers is formed to become Well-being Agents.

Well-being Agents participate in a comprehensive masterclass delving into the concept of well-being. This class provides them with a solid foundation and understanding of what well-being entails. Agents engage in interactive learning activities together, where they explore various aspects of well-being.

Agents have the autonomy to choose specific well-being activities they believe will be effective within the school environment. A designated space, referred to as the "Well-being Wall," is established. Here, Well-being Agents gather ideas, suggestions, and feedback from other students regarding potential well-being initiatives.

Agents collaborate to review and prioritize the collected ideas. This step ensures that the most impactful and feasible ideas rise to the top. Well-being Agents engage in an eTwinning project, collaborating with well-being agents from other countries. This collaboration offers them a unique opportunity to learn important life skills, share diverse perspectives, and broaden their understanding of well-being on a global scale.

Upon successful completion of the Well-being Academy program, agents receive a diploma as a recognition of their commitment and contributions. This diploma shows their role as advocates for well-being within the school community and beyond.

Read more about the project here

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