Erasmus+ KA2 Everybody matters 2018 - 2020
Oriveden yhteiskoulun kansainvälisyyshanke Everybody matters

Take part in an international writing contest!
Take part in an international drawing contest!
Hanketapaaminen Italiassa

Keskiviikko 9.10.2019
Matkamme Italian alkoi 9. lokakuuta aamupäivällä, kun lähdimme junalla kohti Helsinkiä. Helsingistä lähdimme lentokoneella Italiaan, jonne saavuimme noin kahdeksan aikaan illalla. Isäntäperheet tulivat meitä vastaan Rooman päärautatieasemalle.

Torstai 10.10.2019
Seuraavana aamuna saavuimme koululle klo 8.00 ja tutustuimme kouluun ja oppilaisiin. Tämän jälkeen lähdimme katsomaan muutamia nähtävyyksiä. Koulun ja nähtävyyksien katselemisen jälkeen lähdimme taas omiin isäntäperheisiimme.

Perjantai 11.10.2019
Seuraavana päivänä, joka oli perjantai, menimme aamuksi 8:00 kouluun ja teimme siellä Everybody matters -hankkeeseen liittyviä tehtäviä, jonka jälkeen lähdimme katselemaan nähtävyyksiä, esimerkiksi Colosseumia.

Lauantai 12.10.2019
Lauantaina oli viimeinen päivämme Roomassa. Silloin kiersimme myös nähtävyyksiä ja työskentelimme koululla Everybody matters -hankkeen parissa. Kävimme muun muassa suuressa puistossa ja sen jälkeen suurin osa meistä oppilaista lähti käymään ostoksilla.

Sunnuntai 13.10.2019
Sunnuntaina lähdimmekin jo takaisin Suomeen. Matkamme sujuivat hyvin eikä tullut mitään suurempia ongelmia. Matkalla oli erittäin mukavaa ja suosittelen kaikkia hakemaan ensi keväänä olevalle Portugalin matkalle!

Everybody matters pähkinänkuoressa lv 2019 - 2020
Everybody matters - Hankkeen esittely
EU-hanke Erasmus+ KA2

Hankkeen kotisivut:
Hankkeen nimi:
Everybody matters
= välittäminen ja arvostaminen
→ Jokainen koulun oppilas ja työntekijä on arvokas.
→ Jokainen ihminen on arvokas, kaikki maailman ihmiset ovat yhdenvertaisia riippumatta kotimaasta, ulkonäöstä, uskonnosta jne.
Everybody matters
= Jokaisella meillä on vastuu omasta ja muiden hyvinvoinnista
→ Aivan jokainen kouluyhteisömme jäsen omalta osaltaan vaikuttaa siihen, minkälainen työpaikka koulumme on & minkälainen koulumme toimintakulttuuri on.
→ aivan jokaisen kouluyhteisön yksittäisen jäsenen toiminnalla on merkitystä koko yhteisön hyvinvoinnin ja kouluviihtyvyyden kannalta.
Hankkeen kesto: 2 vuotta, 9/2018 – 8/2020. Hanketyöskentelyn aikataulu
Osallistujat: Yhteiskoulu + koulut Italiasta, Portugalista ja Kroatiasta
Hankkeen lopputuotos: Opaskirja kouluille miten ehkäistä koulupudokkutta ja syrjäytymistä.
1) Eurooppalainen yhteistyö
- koulun kansainvälisen yhteistyöverkoston luonti, jotta oppilailla olisi mahdollisuus saada kokemuksia vieraalla kielellä kommunikoinnista ja työskentelystä tulevaa työelämää varten
- Tiedon ja hyvien käytänteiden jakaminen partnerikoulujen kesken → toimintakulttuurin kehittäminen (hankekausi jaettu teemoittain) → kerätään partnerikoulujen hyvät käytänteet oppaaksi
2) Koulupudokkuuden ja syrjäytymisen ehkäisy
- Oppilaiden ja koulun henkilökunnan sosiaalisten taitojen kehittäminen
- hyvinvoinnin ja kouluviihtyvyyden lisääminen
- Hyvinvoinnin vuosikellon käyttöönotto
- Positiivinen CV osaksi koulutyötä
Vastuuhenkilö ja toteutus:
- Jenni Decandia (hankekoordinaattori)
- Hankkeen johtotiimi (hankekoordinaattori + 1-3 muuta koulun aikuista)
- Hankkeen tiedotustiimi (oppilaita + opettajia)
- Workshopit, tutorointi, tapahtumat, eTwinning
- Vierailut partnerikouluihin (yht. 25 liikkuvuutta per koulu)
11/2018 hankkeen käynnistystapaaminen Orivedellä (2 opettajaa / partnerikoulu)
3/2019 hanketapaaminen Kroatiassa (yhteiskoululta 6 oppilasta + 2 opettajaa)
10/2019 hanketapaaminen Italiassa (yhteiskoululta 6 oppilasta + 2 opettajaa)
3/2020 hankkeen päätöstapaaminen Portugalissa ( 7 oppilasta + 2 opettajaa)
Erasmus+ KA2 -hanke Everybody matters
9 / 2018 - Project start
- The exact dates for the short time exchanges and short-time joint staff training event will be agreed
- The project management team of Finnish partner school will organize the short-term joint staff training in Finland
- The schools in Croatia, Italy and Portugal will book the flights and get ready for the short-term joint staff training in Finland
- The project will be introduced to the pupils, school staff, parents of all partner schools
10 / 2018
- Positive CV - A curriculum vitae of a broad range of skills
11/ 2018
- Project start meeting in Orivesi
- Project homepage will be created (Finland)
- Online questionnaire "Social skills and well being at school" will be published (Croatia)
- eTwinning: working in Twinspace of the project will be be started (Italy)
- YouTube channel for the project videos will be created (Portugal)
- All pupils in all partner schools will answer the questionnaire so we can find out how the pupils feel about their social skills and about well being at school in the beginning of the project period.
12 / 2018
- The results of the online questionnaire will be published on the project homepage
- Project publicity teams in all partner schools will promote the on going project inside own school and own hometown and at European level utilizing the project homepage and social media
- Project blog post "Personal development" (Finland)
- YouTube video post "Personal development (Croatia)
- eTwinning (all partner schools) - How to be polite and caring
- The project publicity team of each partner school will promote the topics of the month "Personal development" and "How to be polite and caring" inside own school, hometown and at European level via project homepage and social media.
1 /2019
- YouTube video post "Conversational skills and non-verbal communication" (Italy)
- Blog post "Assertiveness" (Portugal)
- Assertive behaviour - "My new year's resolution for the year 2019: I will learn to be more assertive!"
- Let's learn how to be more assertive (all schools): The aim of the project work is to teach the pupils and school staff communication skills, what assertive behaviour is and how to become more assertive. Project workshops will be utilized and the results of the project work will be published on the project homepage and shared online via social media. The publicity teams will take care of dissemination of the results at schools.
- The project coordinator organizes an online meeting with the project managements team of all partner school in order to plan the year 2019 together and to discuss about the first months of the project period and to go through the plans for the rest of first school year of the project.
2 / 2019
- YouTube video post "Promotion of character strengths" (Finland)
- eTwinning "Perseverance, conscientiousness, teamwork" (all partner schools)
- The project publicity team will take care of publishing the best parts of the eTwinning work on the project homepage and they will take care of the dissemination of the homepage content via social media.
- The project coordinator will send email to the members of the project management teams informing them about the reparation, implementation and dissemination work that has been done so far and reminding them about the future project activities and timetable of the project.
- The best part of the material that has been produced during the project work so far will be used for the online handbook "Everybody matters".
- The preparations for the short-term exchange of pupils in Croatia will start.
3 / 2019
- "How to build self confidence?" Project workshop to increase confidence
- The best ways to build self confidence will be listed and described on the project homepage by the project publicity teams of all partner schools
- The preparations for the short-term exchange of groups of pupils in Croatia will be carried out
- The project publicity team of each partner school will promote the topics of the month "The best ways to build self confidence" inside own school, hometown and at European level via project homepage and social media
4 / 2019
- International project workshop: Social skills
5 / 2019
- YouTube video post "Our 1st international project workshop in Croatia"
- Evaluation of the international workshop in Croatia and the first project school
year (All partner schools)
6 / 2019
- Blog post "The first school year of the project" (Italy)
- Summer fun for all project participants: Bucket list challenge "Increase of confidence" (Portugal)
- Evaluation of the international workshop in Croatia and the first project school year (All partner schools)
- Results of the project evaluation will be published on the project homepage (all partner schools)
7 - 8 / 2019
- Summer break
9 / 2019
- Photography competition to celebrate the second project year of the project: "Cultural expression" (all partners)
- Online meeting "Project management and project evaluation" for the project management teams of all partner schools in the beginning of the school year
- The preparations for exchange of groups of pupils in Italy will be carried out by the Italians.
- The project publicity team of each partner school will promote the photography competition "Cultural expression" inside own school, hometown and at European level via project homepage and social media. All the pupils of all partner schools can take part in the competition. The winner will be chosen during the exchange of groups of pupils in Italy.
- The project coordinator will make sure that the first part (Part I - Social skills) of the online handbook "Everybody matters" will be ready to be introduced during the exchange of groups of pupils in Italy.
10 / 2019
- International project workshop: European collaboration
11 / 2019
- The work for the second part (Part II - Well being at school) of the online handbook "Everybody matters" will begin.
- eTwinning presentations "VERSO-programme" (= Restorative practices and mediation) and "KiVa school -programme" (a research-based antibullying programme) (Finland)
- Blog post "Exclusion and bullying" (Croatia)
- A project workshop will be carried out to organize a photography exhibition "Cultural expression" in the local library in the home towns of all partner schools.
- All the partner schools will prepare a list of ways their tackle exclusion and bullying and publish it on the project homepage
12 /2019
- YouTube video post "Project meeting in Italy" (Italy)
- Blog post "Student welfare services" (Portugal)
- The student welfare services of each partner school will be introduced on the project homepage
1 / 2020
- Blog post "Learning support" (Finland)
- YouTube video post "Learning support" (Croatia)
- Online workshop "Project management for the year 2020 and future collaboration plans between partner schools" (project management teams of all partner schools)
- Online questionnaire "Project evaluation" All pupils and school staff in partner schools will participate.
2 / 2020
- Writing competition "Safe and caring environment for learning" (all partner schools)
- Drawing competition "Everybody matters" (all partner schools)
- The project publicity teams of each partner school will promote the writing and drawing competitions inside own school and home town as well as at European level via social media. The winners of these competition will bechosen in Portugal. The winner picture of the drawing competition will be used as a title picture for the online handbook "Everybody matters".
- The preparations for the exchange in Portugal will be carried out.
3 / 2020
- eTwinning "Cooperation, respect and consideration" (all partner schools)
- How can you show respect and consideration at school or at work? How to cooperate as a team member? Project workshop will search for the answers to these important questions. The answers will be published on the project homepage by all partner schools. The best answers will be published in the online handbook "Everybody matters".
- The project management team of Portuguese partner school will organize the short-term exchange of groups of pupils in Portugal.
4 / 2020
- International project workshop: Well being at school
5 / 2020
- Evaluation of the international workshop in Portugal (all partners). The results of the evaluation will be published on the project homepage.
- YouTube video post "The international workshop in Portugal and the 2nd project year" (Portugal)
- The project coordinator organizes the production of the second part (Part II - Well being at school) of the online handbook for schools. The second part will include all the best practices of the partner schools to increase the well being at school.
6 / 2020
- Publication of online questionnaire "Social skills and well being at school" (Croatia)
- Publication of the winning text of "Safe and caring environment for learning" writing competition on the project home page (Italy)
- Publication of online handbook for schools "Everybody matters" (Finland)
7 / 2020
- End of the project
- Time to start actively tackle early school leaving and disadvantage by integrating the new methods into daily activities. The best practices of all partner schools will be described in the online handbook for schools:
"Everybody matters. What you do makes a difference. A handbook on how to
be somebody who makes everybody feel like a somebody"
Part 1 - Social skills
1. Personal development
2. Conversational skills and non-verbal communication
3. Assertiveness
4. Perseverance, conscientiousness and teamwork
5. Promotion of character strengths
6. Increase of confidence
7. Cultural expression
Part 2 - Well being at school
1. Exclusion and bullying
2. Student welfare services
3. Learning support
4. Safe and caring environment for learning
5. Cooperation, respect and consideration
6. European schools & European school projects