Our school Oriveden yhteiskoulu

Our school Oriveden yhteiskoulu

Video: Oriveden yhteiskoulu 

Oriveden yhteiskoulu presentation

Oriveden yhteiskoulu provides education for grades 7-9 of basic education. Our school has approximately 300 students, 17 classes and 37 teachers.

Internationality is a visible part of everyday life at Oriveden yhteiskoulu

Our international activities focus on the well-being of young people and a sustainable future. The goal of internationality and global education at Oriveden yhteiskoulu is to raise open-minded, world citizens who value diversity. The goals also include appreciating the diversity of cultures and languages, as well as one's own language and cultural background. 

Aiming for responsible global citizenship and working life skills

The goal of the school's international activities is to raise young people to be responsible global citizens for whom building a sustainable future is a permanent part of their young life and everyday choices. The aim of international activities is to develop the skills of students and school staff to work in a multilingual and multicultural environment, which are key future working life skills.


Oriveden yhteiskoulu is a UNESCO school

Oriveden yhteiskoulu is a member of the UNESCO ASPNet school network (UNESCO Associated Schools Network) since 2023.

The UNESCO Associated Schools Network (ASPnet) connects more than 12,000 schools in 182 countries around a common goal to build peace in the minds of children and young people. Through concrete actions member schools promote the ideals of UNESCO valuing rights and dignity, gender equality, social progress, freedom, justice and democracy, respect for diversity and international solidarity. The Network operates at international and national levels with three clear priorities: education for sustainable development, global citizenship education and inter-cultural and heritage learning.

Read more about UNESCO ASPnet in Finland

 UNESCO BSP network


The international activities of Orivesi schools are strongly guided by the Erasmus+ plan of the city of Orivesi. Oriveden yhteiskoulu is a member of the Erasmus+ accreditation consortium of the city of Orivesi. 

The Erasmus+ plan includes ten strategic objectives for the international activities of Orivesi schools. In accordance with the Erasmus+ plan, 10% of our students and staff participate in international mobility each academic year. The implementation of mobility includes virtual collaboration with European partner schools.


Global education

During the academic year 2024-2025, internationality and global education themes will be addressed in addition to project work in the school's multidisciplinary learning units. The school's global education team is responsible for planning and implementing various national and international theme days and weeks.

Oriveden yhteiskoulu is an eTwinning school. Virtual collaboration makes it possible for all our students to get in contact and collaborate with other students in other European countries. 

With the eTwinning School Label, eTwinning recognises and appraises the involvement, commitment and dedication not only of individual eTwinners, but of the whole school, where teams of teachers and school leaders work together.

Schools which are awarded the Label are ready and willing to engage in a developmental journey with activities that can be objectively assessed.

The eTwinning School Mission is the compass of all eTwinning Schools. The mission emphasises elements such as:

  • Shared leadership
  • Collaboration and teamwork
  • Students’ agency
  • Inclusion and innovation
  • Being a role model for other schools.

Read more about eTwinning school label: 


SCHOOL PRESENTATION Oriveden yhteiskoulu

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