Lecture 1 Importance of the policy of equality Page

Lecture 1 Importance of the policy of equality Page

In the first lecture we examine from the PISA studies the Finnish results in reading and mathematics divided to the levels of performance of the students. Then we compare the studies to the OECD average. The graph in the Points of this lecture are very detailed, therefore below are some helpful tips in order to read them:

Graph 1:Difference of percentiles Finland/OECD: reading

  • this graph presents the results of three PISA studies (200, 2003, 2006) in Finland in reading literacy by the percentiles of results of the students
  • the x-axis describes the performance: on the left is lowest 5% performers, then the next 5%, in the middle is the 50% percentile (average students), and on the extreme right we have the best 5% performers
  • the y-axis is the difference of the results of Finnish students compared to OECD average; the OECD average is scaled to 0.
  • On left, on the weakest 5% performers, we can see that difference of Finnish students to OECD average is very big; it also has been increasing from 200 to 2006
  • The previous means that in Finland especially the weakest perform way better that students in OECD reflecting the importance of equality in Finland; it does not matter what school you go into, you can do well anyway

Graph 2: Differences of percentiles Finland/OECD: mathematics

  • this graph can be interpreted similar way than graph one
  • observe that in the very right, among the best 5% performing students, the difference of Finnish students to OECD average gas been growing significantly from 200 to 2006

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