Lecture 6 Curriculum philosophies

Lecture 6 Curriculum philosophies

This entire course is about comparative education (CE), and one essential tasks of comparative education is to study different curriculum philosophies. This lecture presents us five different philosophies and ties them to specific countries and philosophers. We learn that most countries are very different in their educational policies. Please observe that after this lecture there is an assignment to do and post to the discussion area.

Before any lecture either open or save to your computer the assigned PowerPoint presentations.

Assignment before the lecture:

Open or save the PowerPoint slides related to this lectureEDLS410_S2_L6.pdf
Listen to the lecture, and afterwards do the assignment given below.

Write your learning experiences into your personal Reflective report

Assignment after the lecture: At the end of the lecture professor Tjeldvoll asks three important questions to be answered. Please think about them and write your personal short answers to them and post them to the learning platform. If the students in your group are from different countries, you can ask clarifying questions if needed. If the students are from same country, you may have a debate of similarities and differences in your answers so that you find a consensus in the group.

The questions

  1. Which curriculum philosophy is dominating in your country? Why?
  2. How may globalization influence curriculum thinking within national policies?
  3. Which curriculum policy would you advise your minister of education to apply?

Place your answer here.

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