Session 3 Globalization & Education

Session 3 Globalization & Education

During session three, professor Tjeldvoll opens up the word “globalization” to us and relates it to many phenomena in the society. We learn about the roles of competition, innovation, and the transmission of knowledge. Professor Tjeldvoll also explains in detail the impacts of globalization to education. He describes its impacts through finances, labour markets, higher education, and educational opportunities

He, then, uses different countries and their educational systems as background in understanding the differences in the quality of educational system. He also uses the results of the PISA studies in his arguments and discusses about globalization’s impact on reform strategies through both “competitiveness-
driven”, “finance-driven”, and “equity-driven” reforms.

Session three consists of six lectures, PowerPoint slides related to them, readings, individual and group assignments.

Please start the session by clicking lecture 1.