YRE Competition entries

YRE Competition entries of Oriveden lukio

Waste Generation (Photo)

People throw the trash to the ground even if there’s a rubbish bin right next to them. Think about what you do. You are a part of the world around you. You can do better. Take actions to change the world.

Air (Photo)
Your own actions can poison you. Your action can poison the fish in the ocean. Do you feel the pain? Do you want the fish to suffer? No? Take care of the environment. Take care of yourself.

Eating Habits (Photo)

People and fish are part of the same water cycle. We all, people and fish, want to eat healthy. We can help fish. Help!

Ocean Literacy in Schools (Video)
Why should a Spanish school located 500 kilometres from the sea shore teach ocean literacy? 

Working with the Ocean - Solutions for a Cleaner Sea (Video)
How can school work together to protect the ocean and to teach ocean literacy?

Ocean Literacy in Schools (Article)
How to teach ocean litery in an ispiring way?

Read the article here: 