eTwinning Oriveden lukiossa
eTwinning mahdollistaa eurooppalaisten opettajien ja oppilaiden yhteisen työskentelyn verkon välityksellä. eTwinning tarjoaa eurooppalaisille opettajille mahdollisuuden luoda yhteyksiä, jakaa ideoita ja ennen kaikkea työskennellä yhdessä etäisyyksistä riippumatta. Se tekee tieto- ja viestintätekniikasta luonnollisen osan koulutyötä ja antaa oppilaille mahdollisuuden tutustua muihin oppilaisiin ja käyttämään opittua kielitaitoa autenttisessa ympäristössä.
eTwinning on tarkoitettu opettajille ja oppilaille sekä kaikille muille koulussa työskenteleville esi- ja perusopetuksessa, lukiossa ja ammatillisessa peruskoulutuksessa. eTwinning antaa työvälineet eurooppalaisten kumppanien löytämiseen, yhteisen projektin luomiseen ja projektin toimintaan.
Oriveden lukiossa eTwinning-yhteistyötä toteutetaan osana koulun Erasmus+ -liikkuvuuksia, Unesco-yhteistyötä sekä eri oppiaineiden opetuksessa.
Lue lisää täältä:
Mitä on eTwinning? (Opetushallitus)
eTwinning-lähettiläiden blogi Luokkahuoneena Eurooppa
eTwinning osana Oriveden lukion opintoja ja opetusta
Lue esimerkkejä eTwinning-yhteistyöstä Oriveden lukiossa:
Nordplus Junior project Our Baltic Sea
Link to our eTwinning project:
Link to our Norplus Junior project's website:
eTwinning activities of the project
25 November 2024
eTwinning collaboration start, kick-off online meeting
December 2024
eTwinning activity: “UNESCO values and Socially sustainable future”
January 2025
eTwinning activity “Human rights and youth in the Baltic Sea region”
April 2025
eTwinning activity “Culture and cultural heritage of the Baltic Sea region”
September 2025
eTwinning: “My unique relationship with the Baltic Sea”
October 2025
eTwinning: Influencing decision-makers: The importance of protecting the Baltic Sea
March 2026
eTwinning: Calculating the Baltic Sea footprint
April 2026
eTwinning-projekti Orivesi - Berlin collaboration 2024-2025
eTwinning-projekti Orivesi - Berlin collaboration
Lukuvuonna 2024-2025 eTwinning-yhteistyötä tehdään uuden berliiniläisen kumppanikoulun, Immanuel Kant Gymnasiumin, kanssa:
Immanuel Kant Gymnasium
eTwinningiä hyödynnetään koulujenvälisessä Erasmus+ yhteistyössä sekä Oriveden lukion saksa-historia -opintokokonaisuudessa. Nuoret pääsevät tutustumaan toisiinsa sekä Berliiniin ennen liikkuvuusjaksoa.
eTwinning-projektin TwinSpace:
Our Baltic Sea
Our Baltic Sea -projektin teemoina ovat UNESCO, Itämeri ja kestävä kehitys. Opiskelijat ja opettajat suunnittelevat projektin sisältöä ja toteutusta yhteistyössä syyslukukauden 2023 aikana. Suunnittelutyön lisäksi verkoston kouluille järjestetään kuukausittain eTwinning-koulutuksia.
The eTwinning project topics are Baltic Sea, Unesco and sustainable development. The aims of the project are strengthening cooperation between UNESCO schools and other associations and educational institutions, offer students the possibility to meet, study and work together on project topics Unesco, Baltic Sea and sustainable development as well as promoting global citizenship and cultural competence. The project activities will be of an academic nature, linked to the curricula of participating schools.
Projektin TwinSpace:
eTwinning-projekti Stand For the Future
Project aims:
- Foreign language skills
- Team work skills
- Social skills
- Environmental compentence
- Active citizenship
Finnish and Estonian students and teachers work together on environmental topics. The project work includes online collaboration (eTwinning) and live workshops (Erasmus+ mobilities) in Finland and in Estonia.
Project timetable
10/2023 eTwinning workshop in Estonia
11/2023 Erasmus+ workshop in Finland
12/2023 eTwinning online activities
1/2024 Erasmus+ workshops in Estonia
2/2024 eTwinning online activities
3/2024 Erasmus+ workshop in Finland
4/2024 eTwinning online activities
5/2024 Project end
Project TwinSpace:
Expected results:
- The school culture in both partner schools becomes more sustainable
- The participating students gain important skills in terms of becoming active and responsible global citizens
- A public TwinSpace for dissemination of the project results
eTwinning projekti Orivesi - Berlin Collaboration
Yhteistyössä hyödynnettiin eTwinningiä. Ennen matkaa suomalaisopiskelijat esittäytyivät kirjoittamalla esittelytekstit itsestään, nämä julkaistiin projektin TwinSpacessa. Opiskelijat tutustuivat isäntäkouluun ja Berliiniin ennen matkaa. Matkan aikana opiskelijat kirjoittivat matkapäiväkirjaa.
Kevätlukukaudella berliiniläiskoulun opiskelijat saapuvat vastavierailulle Orivedelle. Ennen matkaa Orivedelle saksalaisopiskelijat tutustuvat Oriveteen ja Oriveden lukioon TwinSpacen kautta jaetun materiaalin avulla.
Lue lisää eTwinning- ja Erasmus+ -yhteistyöstä berliiniläiskoulun kanssa:
Lukuvuonna 2024-2025 Berliini-yhteistyö jatkuu uuden kumppanikoulun kanssa. Uusi kumppanikoulu on Immanuel-Kant-Gymnasium Berliinissä.
eTwinning-projekti Orivesi-Berlin collaboration:
Sustainable Future and Well-being
Project aims:
- Getting to know the partner country, its culture and language
- Learning about sustainable future
- Group work skill
- Networking in Europe
- Learning to collaborate with people from other countries
Expected results:
- Project logos
- Videos
- Online meetings
- Experience in international collaboration
- Better language skills
- Better group working skills
Read more about this eTwinning collaboration:
Wellbeing Academy
eTwinning project: Well-being Academy
A group of enthusiastic student volunteers is formed to become Well-being Agents.
Well-being Agents participate in a comprehensive masterclass delving into the concept of well-being. This class provides them with a solid foundation and understanding of what well-being entails. Agents engage in interactive learning activities together, where they explore various aspects of well-being.
Agents have the autonomy to choose specific well-being activities they believe will be effective within the school environment. A designated space, referred to as the "Well-being Wall," is established. Here, Well-being Agents gather ideas, suggestions, and feedback from other students regarding potential well-being initiatives.
Agents collaborate to review and prioritize the collected ideas. This step ensures that the most impactful and feasible ideas rise to the top. Well-being Agents engage in an eTwinning project, collaborating with well-being agents from other countries. This collaboration offers them a unique opportunity to learn important life skills, share diverse perspectives, and broaden their understanding of well-being on a global scale.
Upon successful completion of the Well-being Academy program, agents receive a diploma as a recognition of their commitment and contributions. This diploma shows their role as advocates for well-being within the school community and beyond.
Read more about the project here.
Project TwinSpace:
Well-being Academy
Step 1:
Form a group of volunteering students to become well-being agents.
A group of enthusiastic student volunteers is formed to become Well-being Agents.
These agents will play a pivotal role in promoting well-being within the school
Step 2:
Know the topic: What is well-being?
Masterclass on well-being. Well-being Agents participate in a comprehensive masterclass delving into the concept of well-being. This class provides them with a solid foundation andunderstanding of what well-being entails.
Lesson plan: Master class on well-being
Step 3:
Learning by playing (well-being agents together)
Agents engage in interactive learning activities together, where they explore various
aspects of well-being. This approach ensures that they grasp the key concepts in an
engaging manner.
Learning activities:
Learning by playing
Step 4:
Well-being agents select the activities they want to put into practice in their
Agents have the autonomy to choose specific well-being activities they believe will be
effective within the school environment. This selection process empowers them and
aligns the activities with their interests and the needs of the school.
Step 5:
Well-being agents meet other students
Well-being agents go from class to class and introduce themselves, show other
students what they are doing and how the well-being at school can be improved.
Agents proactively interact with their fellow students by visiting different classrooms.
During these visits, they introduce themselves, share their chosen well-being
activities, and demonstrate how these activities can contribute to an improved school
well-being environment.
Well-being activities: Peer engagement activities
Step 6:
Well-being wall: Well-being agents collect ideas and suggestions from other
A designated space, referred to as the "Well-being Wall," is established. Here, Well-
being Agents gather ideas, suggestions, and feedback from other students regarding
potential well-being initiatives.
Step 7:
Well-being agents collect the ideas and select the most important ones.
Agents collaborate to review and prioritize the collected ideas. This step ensures that
the most impactful and feasible ideas rise to the top.
Step 8:
Well-being agents take the ideas to the principal and present them.
Agents take the selected well-being initiatives to the school principal. They present
the ideas, providing a rationale for each and highlighting the potential positive impact
on the school community's overall well-being.
Step 9:
eTwinning project collaboration with well-being agents from other countries
Well-being Agents engage in an eTwinning project, collaborating with well-being
agents from other countries. This collaboration offers them a unique opportunity to
learn important life skills, share diverse perspectives, and broaden their
understanding of well-being on a global scale.
Step 10:
Dissemination, diploma of well-being agent academy
Upon successful completion of the Well-being Academy program, agents receive a
diploma as a recognition of their commitment and contributions. This diploma shows
their role as advocates for well-being within the school community and beyond.
From Classroom to Community: Empowering Schools for Sustainable Future
In the beginning of the project period the results of Erasmus+ mobility from Perugia to Orivesi in Spring 2023 will be shared on project TwinSpace. The results of the Erasmus+ mobility to Orivesi will be the starting point for a new eTwinning collaboration between the partner schools for the school year 2023-2024.
During the eTwinning project period, the students will collaborate online. The students will create online toolkits for schools with the topics “Dream school community” and “Environmental-friendly school community”. These toolkits can be used to develop the school culture inside the participating schools and in other schools. The toolkits will be published online at the end of the project period.
Projektin TwinSpace:
Hello Teenager!
Tutustu Hello Teenager! -hankkeen Twinspaceen tästä!