
Oriveden lukio - Upper secondary school of Orivesi

Video - Welcome to Oriveden lukio!

Blog: Global education in Orivesi

Oriveden lukio is an upper secondary school located in Pirkanmaa, Finland. Our school is small enough for students and teachers to know each other well, but large enough to offer a wide and diverse range of courses in languages, natural sciences and creative subjects. We have a general study programme and three special study programmes:

  • Writing
  • Volleyball
  • Sports


Orivesi powerpoint.pdf
Orivesi powerpoint.pptx
Oriveden lukio - School presentation

Internationality at Oriveden lukio

Oriveden lukio has had a lively student exchange program since the beginning of the 2000s.


Oriveden lukio is a member in the Erasmus+ accreditation consortium of the city of Orivesi for the program period 2021-2027. 10% of Oriveden lukio students and teachers participate in Erasmus+ mobilities each school year.


Nordplus Junior

The Nordplus Junior program aims to increase cooperation between schools in the Baltic countries and the Nordic countries. Oriveden lukio is applying for funding for the UNESCO BSP network cooperation project Our Baltic Sea. The project offers young people a variety of ways to work on sustainable development themes together with high school students from the Baltic Sea region.

Study trips to Germany and France

Oriveden lukio has permanent partner schools in Germany and France. Students of French and German language participate in study trips to France and Germany every academic year. Language study trips are funded by our Erasmus+ accreditation funding.

Volleyball cooperation with Tallinna Humanitaargümnaasium

Students of Oriveden lukio volleyball study programme participate in reciprocal study trips with Tallinna Humanitaargümnaasium which also offers volleyball training as part of their school studies. The study trips of the volleyball study programme are funded by our Erasmus+ accreditation funding.

Erasmus+ Exchange study periods abroad

All students in Oriveden lukio have the opportunity to go on an Erasmus+ exchange to a foreign country. The Erasmus+ long term pupil mobility is free of charge for our students. The costs of the exchange study are covered by our Erasmus+ accreditation funding.


eTwinning is an easy and fun way to collaborate with European schools online. Oriveden lukio uses eTwinning in Erasmus+ cooperation, UNESCO network cooperation and as part of the teaching of different subjects. Read more about our eTwinning project work here


Oriveden lukio is a UNESCO school and part of the global UNESCO Associated Schools Network. As a UNESCO school, Oriveden lukio is committed to acting in accordance with UNESCO values. Oriveden lukio is part of the UNESCO Baltic Sea Project network in the Baltic Sea region and a regional UNESCO PAX network.

Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)

Oriveden lukio aims to empower learners to make informed decisions and responsible actions for environmental integrity, economic viability and just society, for present and future generations, while respecting cultural diversity.

Education for Sustainable Development is about lifelong learning and is an integral part of quality education. ESD is holistic and transformational education which addresses learning content and outcomes, pedagogy, and the learning environment. It achieves its purpose by transforming society. 


We want to increase the sustainability competence of our students. We want to teach our students how to become systemic and critical thinkers, as well as develop agency, and form a knowledge basis for everyone who cares about our planet’s present and future state.

In view of the growing need for people to improve and develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes to live, work and act in a sustainable manner, the European Commission has developed the European Sustainability Competence Framework, called GreenComp. This framework identifies a set of sustainability competences to feed into education programmes and projects to help learners: “Become systemic and critical thinkers, as well as develop agency, and form a knowledge basis for everyone who cares about our planet’s present and future state.”

Oriveden lukion kansainvälinen toiminta

Oriveden lukiolla on ollut vilkasta opiskelijavaihtotoimintaa 2000-luvun alusta alkaen.

Oriveden lukio on mukana Oriveden kaupungin Erasmus+ akkreditoinnin konsortiossa ohjelmakaudella 2021 - 2027. Oriveden lukion opiskelijoista ja opettajista osallistuu vuosittain 10% Erasmus+ -liikkuvuuksiin. 

Saksan ja ranskan kielten opintomatkat
Oriveden lukiolla on pysyvät yhteistyökumppanit Saksassa ja Ranskassa. Ranskan ja saksan kielen opiskelijat osallistuvat lukuvuosittain järjestettäville opintomatkoille. Kielten opintomatkat toteutetaan Erasmus+ -akkreditointirahoituksella. 

Lentopalloyhteistyö Tallinna Humanitaargümnaasiumin kanssa
Oriveden lukion lentopallolinjan opiskelijat toteuttavat vastavuoroisia opintomatkoja tallinnalaislukion kanssa, joka tarjoaa myös lentopallon lajivalmennusta. Lentopallolinjalaisten opintomatkat toteutetaan Erasmus+ -akkreditointirahoituksella. 

Vaihto-opiskelujaksot ulkomailla
Kaikilla Oriveden lukion opiskelijoilla on mahdollisuus lähteä opiskelijalle itselleen maksuttomaan Erasmus+ -vaihtoon ulkomaille. Vaihto-opiskelun kulut katetaan Erasmus+ -akkreditointirahoituksesta. 

eTwinning on helppoa ja hauskaa, netin välityksellä toteutettavaa eurooppalaiskoulujen välistä yhteistyötä. Oriveden lukiossa eTwinningiä hyödynnetään Erasmus+ -yhteistyössä, UNESCO-verkostoyhteistyössä sekä osana eri oppiaineiden opetusta. 

Oriveden lukio on UNESCO-koulu, ja mukana maailmanlaajuisessa UNESCO Associated Schools Network -verkostossa. UNESCO-kouluna Oriveden lukio sitoutuu unescolaisten arvojen mukaiseen toimintaan. Oriveden lukio on mukana Itämeren alueen UNESCO Baltic Sea Project -verkostossa. 

Nordplus Junior
Nordplus Junior -ohjelman tavoitteena on lisätä koulujenvälistä yhteistyötä Baltian maissa ja Pohjoismaissa. Oriveden lukio hakee rahoitusta UNESCO BSP -verkoston yhteistyöprojektille Our Baltic Sea. Hankkeessa nuorille tarjotaan monipuolisia tapoja työskennellä kestävän kehityksen teemojen parissa yhdessä Itämeren alueen maiden lukiolaisten kanssa. 

Lue lisää Oriveden lukion kv-toiminnasta Oriveden koulujen ja päiväkotien yhteisestä globaalikasvatuksen blogista: 


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