Stydy Counselling Games

In MedMyst: Disease Defenders, players can choose to train with an epidemiologist, microbiologist, or veterinarian to learn how these experts work as a team to solve infectious disease outbreaks while using the scientific method. Each expert path has its own learning objectives and stresses different parts of the scientific method.
Target Audience: Middle school
Game Format: One independent mission / Single Player
Game Time Duration: 45 min.

Cool science careers
In Profession Pathfinder, you are matched to one of the careers on the website based on your answers to career interest questions.
In Imagine Yourself, you can select five different career fields and virtually try out activities typical for these careers.
Get the facts about jobs and education and read interviews with real scientists in Zoom In.
Vote for your favorite career inMy Science Career Pick.
In Ask A Scientist, you can find answers to common questions about science careers and submit your own questions.

CSI: The Experience
If you were to become a CSI, in which area would you specialize?
DNA testing? Toxicology? Firearms? Entomology? Blood spatter analysis? Questioned documents?
What characteristics do Crime Scene Investigators need to be successful?
What skills will be important ?
To find out more about how to become a CSI, visit

Me Tycoon
In Me Tycoon the player plays as themselves and are represented by an avatar on the game screen. Players are in charge of their life path and can choose to enter further education to achieve academic or vocational qualifications, or start a career as soon as they end compulsory education.
How do they control the game? Players are able to:
Manage their jobs – search and apply, gain promotions, change career paths.
Manage their qualifications - Choose what to study and how (part time of full time)
Manage friends – Search and add friends via unique name or email; send friends gifts; compare worlds, jobs, money and happiness.
Purchase items from the shop including items which relate to hobbies
Improve their transferable skills
Keep check on their happiness
Watch iCould videos of real people doing the real job
Manage their upkeep and expenses, including what kind of accommodation they live in
How can they win?
There is no winner per se, but players can compare how they are doing to other people by checking their rank in the leader boards that cover happiness, money, jobs, achievements and items bought.
What causes the game to be over?
The game is over when the player reaches retirement. The retirement age increases throughout the game in relation to events the player may encounter, such as: The aging population – people live longer and there are less young people to help pay for their pensions. Healthcare improvements – life expectancy increases.