
Geography games Games
The EU tries to make life better for all of us in all sorts of ways, like protecting the countryside, making sure the food we eat is safe, making phone calls and texts cheaper, fighting crime and lots, lots more.
The EU also works to improve life for children and young people. You need to know your rights, what you can expect from the world around you and what you don't have to put up with!
There's so much to find out - and here's the best place to start! Play games, learn new things and have fun!

Map Game Europe
Learn country names and their locations in Europe.

The Adventure in Suomenlinna
Suomenlinna is an old island fortress of Helsinki. It has been chosen as one of the UNESCOs World Heritage sites.
With these pages you have a chance to get to know the history, art and nature of this island.
What kind of a tour do you want to make? Tour with tasks or sightseeing?

Map Game Afrika
Learn country names and their locations in Afrika.

Map Game Middle-East
Learn country names and their locations in Middle-East.

Map Game South-America
Learn country names and their locations in South-America