History games

The Adventure in Suomenlinna
Suomenlinna is an old island fortress of Helsinki. It has been chosen as one of the UNESCO's World Heritage sites.
With these pages you have a chance to get to know the history, art and nature of this island.
What kind of a tour do you want to make? Tour with tasks or sightseeing?

Conflict Map 1900-2000
In the course of the 20th century, mankind experienced some of the most devastating wars of all times. Where did these wars take place? Have some regions experienced more wars than others? Who were the main protagonists in these conflicts? This map gives you the opportunity to answer these questions. It displays wars with at least 1 000 military battle deaths.
The Nobel Peace Prize celebrated its centennial in 2001. Where did the Laureates and nominees come from? How many Africans have received the prize? Alongside the map on wars you will find statistics showing the geographical distribution of Nobel Peace Prize nominees and Laureates since 1901.

Democracy Map
Democracy means “ruled by the people”. Democracy is a human right. Most countries in the world claim they are democratic, but are they? You can find out here by
having a look at the Democracy Map!

Peace Doves Game
The Peace Doves game and related reading are based on the Nobel Peace Prizes in 1959, 1962, 1974, 1982, 1985, 1990, 1995 and 2005, which were awarded to people and organisations working for nuclear disarmament.
Which eight countries possess nuclear weapons? What is the Non-Proliferation Treaty? Which five states are the "Nuclear Weapons States" allowed to have nuclear weapons according to the Non-proliferation Treaty of 1970? How many nuclear warheads are there approximately in the world? Which country possesses the most number of nuclear warheads? Are there any nuclear warheads in space? What's the difference between a tactical and strategical nuclear warhead?
Several people and organisations have received the Nobel Peace Prize for their efforts concerning nuclear weapons disarmament. In this game your mission is to use the worldwide symbol of peace, the white dove, to disarm the world of nuclear weapons! You have eight "Peace Doves, each able to disarm one of the eight countries possessing nuclear weapons.
For instructions on how to play the game, click on the HELP button found at the bottom of the game window.

Prisoners of War Game
The Prisoners of War game and related reading are based on the work made by the ICRC (The International Comittee of the Red Cross) awarded with the Nobel Peace Prize three times: in 1917, 1944 and 1963.
What do the symbols used by the Red Cross mean? What's the mission of the Red Cross Movement? What does the Geneva Convention III say? Whom can be treated as a prisoner of war?
Can people behave as they like during times of war? No, they can't. The Geneva Conventions of written rules and articles make some acts unlawful. Nearly all countries in the world have promised to follow these rules by signing up. The Red Cross ensures that these rules are followed. Among the Red Cross's tasks are to visit prisoners of war (POWs) who are protected by the Geneva Conventions, and provide them with assistance.
The Red Cross, three-time recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize, protects and helps war victims worldwide and ensures that the rules of war are followed. How will you manage as a commander of a prisoners of war camp? Your mission as a camp commander in this game is to try to run a prisoners of war camp without violating the human rights. The more right moves you make, the more points. You will get a summarizing evaluation in the end. You can end up as a "Humanitarian Champion", "Well Intentioned Humanitarian" or a "Sadistic Swine"!
For instructions on how to play the game, click on the HELP button found at the bottom of the game window.

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