

Amerikkalainen peli solubiologiasta. Rakenna soluja, taistele viruksia vastaan, selviä kovassa maailmassa ja pelasta vesinokkaeläimiä. Englanninkielinen. Tätä voi pelata on-line-pelinä tai ladata peli netistä koneelle.


Amerikkalanen peli, jossa pääsee rabiestutkijaksi laborantin, eläinlääkärin tai epidemiologin roolissa. Ohjaa tieteellisen tutkimuksen tekemiseen, eri tutkimusmenetelmiin ja tutustuttaa näihin ammatteihin. Vaatii pelaajalta englannin kielen taitoa, mutta peli antaa valmiita vaihtoehtoja, joista valitaan oikeat vastaukset, joten peli opastaa pelaajaa eteenpäin myös yrityksen ja erehdyksen kautta. Sanasto tulee nopeasti tutuksi.
Power of Research on netistä ladattava ilmainen peli, jossa pääset kokeilemaan lääkärin ja tutkijan ammattia käytännössä. Se ei vaadi lääketieteellistä eikä biologista pätevyyttä, vaan peli opastaa sinua työssäsi eteenpäin. Peliä voi pelata englanniksi, saksaksi tai ranskaksi.

WolfQuest - kokeile suden elämää
WolfQuest-pelissä pelaaja pääsee kokeilemaan suden elämää liikkumalla laajassa 3D-ympäristössä, joka on mallinnettu Yellowstonen kansallispuiston mukaan.
Tunnista lintuja. Kielivalikosta voi valita pelin kielen, myös suomi.
Englanninkielinen peli Darvinin evoluutioteoriasta

Kadonneen ekotiedon metsästys
Metsästä kadonnutta ekotietoa liikenne-, ruoka-, asuminen-, tavarat- ja vapaa-aika-planeetoilta. Peli soveltuu yläkouluikäisille ja heitä vanhemmille.

Rescue Russian Leopard
Pelasta amurin leopardi on WWF:n ekologinen strategiapeli, jossa koetetaan pelastaa aurinleopardikanta Kaakkois-Venäjällä. Peli on mallinnettu tosielämästä ja siinä koetetaan suojella leopardikantaa luonnollisia vihollisia vastaan. Tavoitteena olisi saada leopardikanta nousemaan 30 yksilöstä 100 yksilöön 30 vuoden aikana. Englanninkielinen peli on sanastoltaan vaativahko, jonka vuoksi sopiva lukioikäisille. Pelin latauslinkki löytyy tämän linkin takaa, alla olevasta linkistä löytyy lisätietoa pelistä. Read more:

The Blood Typing Game
The Blood Typing educational game and related reading material are based on the 1930 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, which was awarded for the discovery of human blood groups in 1901. The purpose of this educational game is to learn the basics about human blood types and blood typing, as well as understanding one reason for its importance - to be able to save lives performing safe blood transfusions. Another purpose is to offer a game experience that is challenging and fun!
What happens if you get a blood transfusion with the wrong blood type? Even though a patients own blood type is the first choice for blood transfusions, its not always available at the blood bank. Try to save some patients lives and learn about human blood types!

DNA - The Double Helix
In this game your job is to first make exact copies of a double-stranded DNA molecule by correctly matching base pairs to each strand, and to then determine which organism the DNA belongs to.

For instructions on how to play the game, click on the HELP button found at the bottom of the game window.

The Immune System - Defender
In this game, you are a trainee soldier of the Immune System Defense Forces, defending a human against bacterial infection. You have two missions to complete. In the first, you must command a team of white blood cells called granulocytes to fight against bacteria invading the blood system through a finger wound. In the second mission, you must command an army of macrophages and dendritic cells to fight the invading bacteria.
Phagocytes, that is granulocytes, macrophages and dendritic cells, are immune cells specialized in finding and "eating" bacteria, viruses, and dead or injured body cells. A large part of the pus in an infected wound is made up from dead granulocytes.
For instructions on how to play the game, click on the HELP button found at the bottom of the game window.

The Control of the Cell Cycle
The Control of the Cell Cycle educational game is based on the 2001 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, which was awarded for discoveries concerning the control of the cell cycle. The cell cycle is the series of events that take place as the cells grow and divide. In average this process takes about 24 hours for cells in mammals. The game is rather easy to go through if you are familiar with the different phases in the cell cycle (cell growth, chromosome duplication, cell growth again, chromosome separation and finally cell division). If you're not, pay extra attention to the image of the cell cycle in the introduction. As a "Cell division supervisor", inside the cell nucleus, you are to steer the cell division process to make sure everything happens in the right order. If not, the cell will be destroyed and you'll have to start all over again. You also have to make controls now and then, to make sure nothing happened with the genetic material on the way. If you make too many mistakes, the energy level in the cell will drop and the cell division will not be able to proceed. The challenge is to complete the game and to make sure that the cell was correctly divided!
You can also watch a short black-and-white video clip of cell division.
For instructions on how to play the game, click on the HELP button found at the bottom of the game window.

ECG is used for recording the small electric waves being generated during heart activity, a simple way of diagnosing heart conditions. This game lets you explore the key elements of the electrocardiogram from how to place the electrodes on the body for measuring the heart beats to how to analyze the mountains and valleys in the ECG curve. You are to diagnose four patients – which one has got a normal heart condition, which one is suffering from arrythmia, bundle branch block or a cardiac infarction?
For instructions on how to play the game, click on the HELP button found at the bottom of the game window.

The diabetic dog game
Although insulin doesn't cure diabetes, it's one of the biggest discoveries in medicine made in the 1920s. When it came, it was like a miracle. People with severe diabetes and only days left to live were saved. And as long as they kept getting their insulin, they could live an almost normal life.
In this game your dog has type-1 diabetes. This is a very serious disease. With proper treatment, however, your dog can live a happy life for many years. When we eat, the blood sugar level in our blood rises, and the hormone insulin is released into the blood stream to regulate the sugar level. A diabetic dog does not produce or properly use insulin and therefore has to get it through injections. Your mission is to take care of your dog and try to avoid letting him/her reach too high or too low levels of blood sugar - the more successful you are the more money you will get for which you can buy food and upgrade your dog's foodbowl or doghouse!
For instructions on how to play the game, click on the HELP button found at the bottom of the game window.
The Split Brain Experiments
The brain is made up of two halves, or hemispheres. These hemispheres are connected to each other through a system consisting of millions of nerve fibres. Therefore, each hemisphere is continually informed about what is happening in the other. What happens if the connection is broken? In this game you can follow a classic experiment with a patient whose corpus callosum connection has been surgically removed.
In this game you perform the classic split brain experiment used by Nobel Laureate Roger Sperry when he discovered differences between the right and left hemispheres of the brain. See how the patient reacts and try to figure out how come he is acting the way he does. In order to be able to proceed with your research you have to get more money, and when applying for more grants you have to report on your findings. If you manage to make correct conclusions you'll be awarded with more grants and eventually your research will be published in a scientific journal.
For instructions on how to play the game, click on the HELP button found at the bottom of the game window.

Immune System Defender Game
The Immune System Defender educational game, with three related readings, are based on the 1908 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, which was awarded for key discoveries about the immune defense system – for identifying certain body cells that engulf bacteria and for work on trying to explain how antibodies are formed in the body.
What happens in your body when you are wounded? What cell types are involved in the immune system? How do immune cells remove bacteria? Some immune cells alert other immune cells about invading bacteria. Which ones?
In this game, you are a trainee soldier of the Immune System Defense Forces, defending a human against bacterial infection. You have two missions to complete. In the first, you must command a team of white blood cells called granulocytes to fight against bacteria invading the blood system through a finger wound. In the second mission, you must command an army of macrophages and dendritic cells to fight the invading bacteria.
Phagocytes, that is granulocytes, macrophages and dendritic cells, are immune cells specialized in finding and "eating" bacteria, viruses, and dead or injured body cells. A large part of the pus in an infected wound is made up from dead granulocytes.
For instructions on how to play the game, click on the HELP button found at the bottom of the game window.

Immune Responses
The Immune Responses production is based on several Nobel Prizes in Physiology or Medicine awarded for discoveries related to Immune Responses, from the first Nobel Prize in 1901 until today.
What happens when our body is attacked by foreign substances? What is immunity? How do vaccines work? How does our body get rid of bacteria and viruses? How is our immune system involved in blood transfusions, skin grafts or so called anaphylactic shocks?
The Nobel Prizes in Physiology or Medicine have rewarded several breakthroughs that revealed the way in which our bodies protect us against different microscopic threats. Each of these breakthroughs have provided us with a better understanding of how the immune system senses an attack, how it recognizes and deals with intruders without destroying its own cells and tissues, but also how it can malfunction and unleash its destructive forces upon itself.
Start with going through the ten interactive stops in the Immune Responses production. Afterwards, you can read the overview article "The Immune System: In Defence of our Lives" which provides an in-depth reading about the Nobel Prize awarded achievements related to the immune system.

The Mosquito and Parasite educational games and related reading, are based on the 1902 and 1907 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. The 1902 Nobel Prize was awarded for the discovery of the parasite causing malaria and for understanding that the Anoheles mosquito was involved in causing malaria.
The 1907 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was awarded for the discovery of the parasite in human blood.

Mosquito Game: How is malaria transmitted to humans? What kind of mosquito is spreading malaria? With what chemical can you kill Malaria mosquitos? Can you mention a cheap and simple way to prevent mosquitoes from biting humans?
Take control of a mosquito and try to find a human to bite and draw blood from! In the mosquito game you stear a mosquito towards humans while you also have to avoid DDT, mosquito nets, buts and birds to suceed in your mission.
Parasite Game: What parasite causes Malaria? How is the parasite transmitted to humans? How does the parasite act inside the human body? Where in the boody does the parasite multiply? What can kill the parasites in the blood?
Take control of a parasite, try to find your way inside a human being, and multiply as fast as possible! In the Parasite game you are to guide a parasite through the blood vessels, meantime you must avoid colliding with antibodies and other immune cells. First guide the parasite to the liver where it could multiply, then guide it to a red blood cell where it can multiply again, before your mission is over.
For high score you have to be very skilled with the arrow buttons - it could be quite hard to stear the mosquito and the parasite in these games if you're not used to it.

Nerve Signaling
The Nerve Signaling production is based on several Nobel Prizes in Physiology or Medicine from 1906 until today awarded for discoveries related to nerve signaling.
How are nerve cells made up? How do nerves carry the signals that coordinate all the activities in our body? How has the research in neurosciences developed through the 2000th century?
The Nobel Prizes in Physiology or Medicine have rewarded several achievements that helped to reveal the mysterious complexities of the nervous system. The breakthroughs made by each of the Nobel Laureates below have provided us with a better understanding of how nerves are made up, and how they create and transmit information in the form of nerve impulses that monitor and co-ordinate all the activities in our bodies.
Science is only just beginning to understand the brain's remarkable form of 'software' - the way it works as a whole to enable us to live and think - but an amazing series of scientific breakthroughs have given us insight into its 'hardware'. Each of the Nobel Laureates who appear in this brief story has taken us further down the path towards understanding how nerves are made up and carry the signals that coordinate all the activities in our bodies.

Incredible Megacell Game
The Cell and its Organelles educational game is based on the 1974 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, which was awarded for discoveries concerning the structure and organisation of the vital components of a cell.
What is an ultracentrifuge used for? What are the compartments of the cell? What functions do the various organelles have in the cell?
The specialised compartments of a cell, the organelles, are so small that it was impossible to study their structure until the electron microscope was developed in 1938. The 1974 Nobel Laureates in Medicine, developed methods that made it possible to take a closer look at the organelles and identify some of them.
The game revolves around the ultracentrifuge -- a piece of laboratory equipment that separates organelles in a cell by virtue of their size, shape and density. By sheer bad fortune, Professor Megacell happens to fall into an ultracentifuge, which results in some of his organelles being shot out and he himself ending up hanging from a rotating fan on the ceiling. Your mission is to return his organelles to their correct position by firing different organelles at him using a slingshot. Each time you must read the hints to figure out the correct organelle to shoot. For example, if you see the hint "He looks like he has lost all his energy", you should shoot the mitochondria (the power plant of the cell that provides the energy to drive chemical reactions in the cell).
The quicker you select and shoot the correct organelle, the more points you will score. If you're really quick you could end up on the all-time high score list!
For instructions on how to play the game, click on the HELP button found at the bottom of the game window.

Tuberculosis - Experiments & Discoveries Game
The Tuberculosis educational game and related reading, are based on the 1905 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, which was awarded for investigations and discoveries concerning the disease tuberculosis, "TB".
What causes the disease tuberculosis, TB? How did a scientist find out about TB in the 19th century? Koch developed several methods still used in science today - what is the "slide technique", "staining" and "plate technique"? What are "Koch's postulates"?
Robert Koch proved definitively that the dreaded disease tuberculosis is caused by specific bacteria. How did he do it?
Koch developed several methods for detecting the causes of infectious diseases that are still used today. Such as:
The slide technique - fixing bacteria onto thin glass slides.
Staining - adding dyes to make bacteria more visible.
The plate technique - obtaining pure cultures by isolating specific bacteria from a complex sample.
In this game you will try to repeat Koch's remarkable successes. Carry out your own experiments using Koch's methods and discover the bacteria causing tuberculosis. Rather than scoring points and doing things quickly, this game rewards figuring out what to do in the correct order to allow you to move on and reach the end!
For instructions on how to play the game, click on the HELP button found at the bottom of the game window.

Chicken Farm Game (Vitamin B1-game)
The Chicken Farm educational game and related reading are based on the 1929 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. No one had heard of vitamins until Christian Eijkman pointed out that a substance in rice skin was missing from the diet of beriberi patients, which was later discovered to be vitamin B1. This was the first time that an illness was linked with vitamin deficiency.
Why do we need vitamin B1? What food contains vitamin B1? What is the disease beriberi?
This fast-paced game relies on a keen knowledge of food containing vitamin B1 and good keyboard skills to save lives.
You have one minute to feed chickens suffering from beriberi with the correct food to stop them from dying. If you are too slow, or provide the wrong food, the chickens will collapse and die. Cure them quickly, and you could end up on the list as "the fastest feeder this month"!
For instructions on how to play the game, click on the HELP button found at the bottom of the game window.