Lecture 4 The situational leadership model

Lecture 4 The situational leadership model

This lecture begins with introducing us to successful and effective leadership. Then we discuss the notion of follower readiness followed by the notion of leadership behaviour. At the end of the lecture we construct The Situational Leadership model and apply it to practise.

Before any lecture either print or save to your computer the assigned PowerPoint presentation.

Assignment before the lecture: Northouse chapter 5 (or 4. depending on the edition). Situational approach.

Open or save the PowerPoint slides related to this lecture EDLS210_S3_L4.pdf

Listen to the lecture, and afterwards do the assignment given below.

Write your learning experiences into your personal Reflective report

Assignment after the lecture: Think about yourself a situational leadership. Is there one (or two) certain leadership styles that you are inclined to use; are some styles that you use very rarely. This is a good model also to be used among colleagues and teachers at school. After a brief presentation about the model, you could ask others’ opinion on your leadership style and begin a fruitful discussion on leadership in general and on developing your own leadership behavior.
The discussion area

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