Lecture 3 Intellectual capital

Lecture 3 Intellectual capital

What is needed to make a good school? This is a question all educators are interested. In this lecture Mr. Spinks presents a model based on an international perspective from many countries. He presents ideas from superb practice seen in good performing schools. In the class we learn about the importance of intellectual, financial, social and spiritual capital. At end of the class, Mr. Spinks once more emphasizes the quality of the school staff giving guidelines for that.

Before any lecture either open or save to your computer the assigned PowerPoint presentations.

Assignment before the lecture: none

Open or save the PowerPoint slides related to this lecture EDLS250_S8_L3.pdf

Listen to the lecture, and afterwards do the assignment given below. (mob version)

Assignment after the lecture:

  1. Reflective report. Write your learning experiences into your personal reflective report. The reflective report for session 8 will be submitted after lecture 5.