Students are blogging about food

Tuesday 9th of May

That day we visited the Brüggen factory which s famous for producing cereals and musli bars. We started our sightseeing by short presentation about history of Brüggen. Our guide tour took about one hour, then we got gifts. Everyone got a package of products which includes products made by that factory. After that with german and polish students, we went on small shopping. We had really nice time together. I am so happy that we are so integrated as a group and we spent time so great.
( Patrycja Z's blog)

Challange week

Day 1 & 2
In that week I stretching out myself. I really want to do a split, I know that one week isn't long enough time to do it but I hope that after challange week I will continue stretching. Yesterday I spent about 20 minutes for exercises, today it was 30 minutes.

Day 3
Today a started with a warming up. Then stretched out myself for about 30 minutes.

Day 4 & 5
I am still keep doing. I think I am more flexible then I was before. I am streaching about half hour every day. I'm very happy about that and I hope I won't give up :)))

Day 6 & 7
I did it. My challenge week is end. I can't do a split but I have motivation to not give up. I was doing excercise every day and I am not going to stop. I hope you're also successfully end your challenge week ;))))
( Patrycja Z's blog)

25.03.2017 and 26.03.2017

Today ( 25.03.2017 ) we got up late and went with my family to the Gdynia. We showed Lisa the most intersting place in this city and drank delicious tea. At evening we comed back to home.
Today (26.03.2017) we took Lisa to the airport and goodbay her. This week was very fun but also tiring.
( Marta's blog)
