Zuzanna´s blog


On Mondey we were in school at 8am and we welcomed students from Finland and Germany. There was a short play that student's from Poland prepared. Next we gave out for a grups and I was with my international friend in group number 1. Then we had a station with some short games about healthy food. Next we wend for a lunch and after we had a lessons with pairs. We made a lapbook about some fruits. After this lessons we were in the bowling. We ate a pizza and had a good fun. I think it was a very nice day.


On thusday we went in the old city in Gdańsk. We met at 9am in school and went to a train. When we were in the right place the teacher gave us the plan and map and gave us to group. Then we found some places and marked this place in the map. After this we went to restauration and ate some healthy food. Next we went to train and back school. In school we prepared some recipe about healthy food and wrote on the blog some new event. This is the great day!


We were in the trip in Wdzydze all day. We met at 8:30am and we drove by bus in the Kaszuby. Later we were in the fabric Lubiana and we saw how created is this polcerain. Next we went in the museum and we cooked lunch for us, It was very delicous! In the museum we saw old school and old hause. Next we went to the trip and we saw beautifull view. I realy like this day!


This day we met at 8am in the school amd we had a presentation about healthy food. Next we prepared our recipe and we went in the jumpcity. Next we went in the Avocado and we had for the dinner spaghetti and we drank very good smothie. Next we went to the school and we saw the presentation our people from exchange. It was a excited day!


On Friday we went in the shopping market and we choose food for the recipe. Later we end our lapbook. Next we went to the gastronomic school and we cooked food. Me and my friend prepared strawberry coctail and cupcakes and fruit salad. Next in the 8pm we had sleepover. We watched movies about food. I realy was tired after this sleepover but it was okey!


My challange is not eat sweet for a week but in the first day I had diffrent challange. My challange is woke up at 6am and go running. In the first day i did it but i have problems with my legs and I must changed the challange. I chose not eating sweet.


In the Sunday we was in the airport to to took the guests. When I took ma guest we went to home and we ate pancakes. Then we went on the pachołek and we saw a view of Gdańsk. Next we went in the Mc'Donalds and we ate. Next we went in the park and go went home. We ate dinner and we went to the Sopot. In the Sopot we were in the beach and monciak with friends. We went home and we went sleep. It was a nice day.


The second day challange but for me the first day about not eating sweets. I woke up and I want eat sweet but i couldn´t. It was very hard to me but i can do it and I´m didn´t eat. All day I didin´t eat so It´s good for me.


On the Monday we was on the official greeding in the schoo. thn we had a lesson with pschology. the we had second breakfast and later we prepared drama. We wrote a scenografy about the girl who want be a model, but sheb think that she fat so she want to have bulimia or anoreksja. Then we was in the bowling and we ate pizza. In the evening we was in the Riviera. I realy like this day :)


The third day wasn´t so bad. I didn´t eat sweets but It was realy hard, becouse I wanted to eat them so much. In the evening I almost ate sweet but I stoped.


Today I ate sweet. I couldn´t stoped my thrist. In this day I statemented that this challange is the end becouse I can´t do this anymore. I was disapointment.


As you know the Polish students were in the exchange in German. I was there and it was amazing. In German we were in the city and it's a Lubeck. At 10 am we went i Poland in the airport. We had a fly and it was very amazing, becouse we had a beautifull view. The fly was short, becouse it last an 1 hour. We landed in Hamburg and we went to Lubecka in train. In the train station we met a family our exchange people and we went to home. I was in the beach it was realy nice. It was a very good day! :)


In Monday we went in the school. Our teacher met us and then we went to the lunch. When we ate we went to the stalk. We saw all Lubeck It's very beautifull. Then we went to the school, this school is very big and old, but I like it. After school we went in the beach outside the city. It's very huge. Then we went in the shopping. It was a great day!

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