May's blog

~~~~~~~~CHALLENGE WEEK~~~~~~~~

Day 2, Tuesady, 25/04/2017

Ooh, no, it's 6 o'clock again. I really don't like to get up so early, but I must do it! ;) So I'm going to dress up and eat breakfast.
It looks perfect and called Rome Salad - the ingridients are salat, some tomatoes and sweetcorn, radishes and fresh cucumber. Nice start of the day!
I'm going to the school. Something curious is it, i don't want to sleep anymore. I have more energy than yesterday at this time.
21.06 I'm going to finish my work and read something interesting - I had a lot of freetime today, thanks to time management. I think life is calmer than with this. And, as we know, it's good for our health.
Okay, it's over! Monday was hard, but now it's quite easy. Maybe I'll like this lifestyle?

And You? Do you enjoy it?
What's your progress in Challenge Week? ;)

~~~~~~~~CHALLENGE WEEK~~~~~~~~~~

Day 3, Wensday 26/04/2017

I wake up easier than yesterday. Is it because I'm starting to accustomed to it?
I'm smilling, first two days were the most difficult I hope.
Standing in front of a mirror I think I do not look like dead at last :D Hurray!
I see breakfast on the table when I enter the dining room. I sit down and starting to eat.
Before #Challenge Week I usually could not eat anything in the morning. Now it is automatic. And I have more enegry for all day long.
I can focus :) It is easier for me to learn.
Ufff, I managed.
Now I save the blog and go to sleep. Good night for everyone!

~~~~~~~~CHALLENGE WEEK~~~~~~~~~~

Day 4, Thursday, 27/04/2017

The alarm clock rings. Another day is starting!
I wake up, without the problem. I have a lot of energy and vital forces, I dress up immediately so I have a moment for myself before breakfast. Everything goes well.
I eat muesli with youghut and drink orange juice. Variety of dishes in my opinion is a great solution, because you can't get bored with them and you always have appetite.
That's good for us.
I have 8 lessons today. I'm sure it'll be easier than ever and I can handle it.
It's finish. After all day I'm not too tired. but I'll go to the bed at time. So, save the blog and good night!

What are you thinking about this lifestyle? ;)

~~~~~~~~CHALLENGE WEEK~~~~~~~~~~

Day 5, Friday, 28/04/2017

6.00 - 7.00
It's amazing! I don't want to sleep any longer. I get up without a problem. I'm beginning to like this lifestyle, especially since the breakfasts are delicious ;p
So I go to the dining room, I eat and drink tea.
I had mathe test and I could focus very well, thanks to the challenge I think.
Everything is a much better.
Only 2 days left until the end of the week. I think I will be able to fulfill my resolutions.
But now I'll go to bed.
Bye! :*

~~~~~~~~CHALLENGE WEEK~~~~~~~~

~~~~~~~~CHALLENGE WEEK~~~~~~~~
Today is starting the Challenge Week! Hurra! Do you already know what challenge you'll choose? Or maybe you are making something for this right now?
In this article I'll tell you something about my ideas about healthy life. I invite you to read.

- What I'll do in the Challenge Week?
I want to make three things: get up early (at 6 o'clock), go to bed at 10 o'clock and eat healthy breakfast before I go to school (full of vitamins and minerals)

- What I think about it?
I think it's quite good idea. It's important to us to do it not only in this week, but everyday. But on the other hand, it will be difficult for me, because (I have to admit) I go to bed late and I don't always have time to eat breakfast before school. I hope I can change something in my lifestyle thanks to project.

So, let's start!

~~~~~~~~CHALLENGE WEEK~~~~~~~~

Day 1, Monday, 24/03/2017

Awww, it's so early. I would like to go to bed, but I can't do this. We are starting today!
So, I open my eyes, slowly, slowly - okay. I'm get up now.
I'm changing my clothes and go to the bathroom.
When I'm having a shower, I'm constantly yawning and think about sleep. The first day seems to me terribly difficult.
I'm going to the dining room and waiting for breakfast. I'm curious what my family will suprise me. Maybe it will something like yoghurt with muesli?
My mum (she looks so tired like me) is going to the dining room. She brought plates with something colour and fresh. It's lettuce leaves, sliced tomatoes, pepper and carrot on them. On the second plate are sandwiches - with vegetables, ham and cheese. It's the cup of tea on the table too. I have a big apatite now. I didn't know it's possible!
I finished this meals and I think it's very delicious. Maybe I'll enjoy it? :D
I don't want to sleep yet, but I'm a bit tired. I'll go and get ready to school. Bye now!
I'm doing my homework, it's the last exercise. I have a lot of time to get ready to go to bed on time. That's great for me and my health.
I'm going to bed. See you tomorrow!

First day - completed!

And you? What did you do today for the project? Write in comment and praise the result! :) käyttää vain välttämättömiä evästeitä istunnon ylläpitämiseen ja anonyymiin tekniseen tilastointiin. ei koskaan käytä evästeitä markkinointiin tai kerää yksilöityjä tilastoja. Lisää tietoa evästeistä