Natalia's blog


Hi Guys!

I know I was absent for weekend. I am so sorry - BUT - I did it on purpose! I wanted to tell you about my whole weekend after it happend.

So Saturday wasn not so special. It was a normal day. I was sitting in home, doing some homework. And of course I did't eat any sweets.

But Sunday was literally the best day in my life! My parents and I went to Poznań (city somewhere in the middle of Poland). They were going to sightseeing this town, but i had other plans. I was going to the festival called Pyrkon. It's a festival of fantazy, actually one of the most famous in Europe. To tell the truth I don't know so much about this festival ;P. I went there just becouse one of my favourite actors was there. He's name is Nathaniel Buzolic. He is from Australia, but he plays in american TV series called "The Vampire Diaries" and "The Originals" ( I bet you heared about it ;)). I am a big fan of this series and I'm totally in love with this actor. So I'm going to tell you what happened there.

First I bought a ticket, which costed 35 zlotych (I was suprised, becouse normally tickets to meet a famous person cost a lot). There where a lot of buildings, so it took me about 5 minutes to find the right place. When I was almost there someone asked me "where are you going?". I turned around and saw to girls. They did't know where to go to meet Nathaniel so we made a group (becouse two other girls joined us) and we found a queue to Nate, who was giving autographs. We started crying, becouse we couldn't belive that he exists! We stood in the queue an waited for our turn.

After about 15 minutes my turn camed. Nate look at me, smiled and hugged me. I was all shaking and I couldn't belive it is true. I made a film where he says "kocham cie Natalia" (which means "I love you in Polish). Then he gave me two autographs. In the end I gave him a bracelet, which I made myself. He was so happy. He said that he loves the colors and he couldn't believe that I made it. He even asked me if I can tie it on his hand. My hands were shaking, but I finally did it. He thanked me and then I went to a queue for photos. I was so exited. We took some photos and two selfies.

In the end I went to a Q&A. It means that we are asking him questions and he gives us answers. We had a lot of fun there and also he was so happy. He said that he loves Poland and polish people, beouse we are so nice and calm - not like Americans.

So it was the best day in my whole life ;D

Natalia ;)))))
Sliwowska, Natalia comments in the future:



So yesterday was my first day on exchange project. I think that Lübeck is really bautiful. It has a lot of short streets with so many pretty, old house which make this town look so wonderful.

On our first day, teachers planned a city game where we had to visit all city. They gave us a map and a card with pictures with many popular buildings.On the map they drew a way which one w had to follow. Half an hour later we lost our map, but luckily girls from Lübeck knew where to go. On the map they drew a way which one w had to follow.

Whole game was so exhausting and I think it lasted a bit too long. But I think it was a great idea to get to know this city. Unfortunetaly weather this day was so bad. It was cold and it was raining. Everybody was freeying.

In the evening me and my friends went shopping. I only bought a new nail polish. At 7 p.m. we had to be back home, becouse my friend's mum made a dinner.

Today we woke up at half past six. It was so early but I am still full of energy. The plan for today was to go to the Bürggen factory. We were going to see how people make cereals, museli and museli bars. I really enjoyed this trip, becouse it's so cool to see how people make things which we have in our supermarkets. It was so interesting and everybody became so hungry after this. At the end they gave everyone of us a bag with two cereal boxes, one package of oats and eight museli bags. We were so happy after that. Then we had a free hour so everybody went to the city center for little shopping. I bought myself a necklace which I think is very pretty. Next we get back to school and ate luch. Now teachers gave us some time, so we can finally write our blogs.

Natalia ;)



So this is going to be my first entry here. This is my also first day in the Healthy Week Challenge. I decided to stop eatnig sweets through this week. I was also thinking about another challanges, but I eat properly and exercise everyday. Sweets are my only weakness (especialy chocolate ;D), so in my opinion this is the best option for me.

For the first. I make my challenge last for more than week. I am not going to eat any sweets till the end of the school year. I think that after this break I won't need it anymore.

The second thing is that through this whole break I'll let myself for exception, but only like haveing a piece of cake on my cousin's or mine birthday, which are going to be soon ;). But not any others!

OK, now when everything is finally clear, Ican tell you about my first day in this challenge.
It wasn't any problem for me. Really! I thought that it would be much harder for me, not to eat sweets, but I didn't feel any need. We will see how it is going to be in next six days.

Wish me luck!
Natalia ;)))


Hi Guys!

I am comming to you with completely new task. Teachers told us to write a blog about one of the students from another country, which also took a part in challenge week. I choose my friend from exchange - Lisann.

Lisann choose to eat like a vegan through all week. First I was a bit shocked, becouse it seems to be really hard, becouse a lot of food cames from animals. I talked to her about this challenge and she told me that in the beggening it was a bit hard, becouse it is difficult to find something for dinner which is not related to animals. As I saw on her blog - she passed five of seven days, but only, becouse one day she was at her grantparents' party and the second day she was at her friend's Konfirmation. They had only fish so she couldn't eat anything else.

Anyway I think that this challenge was hard and I think that she did it really great ;)

Natalia ;D



So now I have some time to tell you about my amazing adventure. I couldn't write on my blog before, becouse I didn't have any laptop or computer. Few hours ago I came back home so now I have some time ;)


On Wednesday we had a really great trip. Firt we went for a little shopping to marzipan house. I bought a lot of sweets for my parents and grandparents. Then we went to a bus station. We were waiting for a bus which was supposed to drives us to Dassow. In Dassow we had really cool cooking workshop with famous cookers. We made spaghetti, some kind of potato from kuskus, chilli peppers, cougrette amd couconut milk with asparagus and meat. For a dessert we ate semolina with strawberries. Everything was prepared by us and it tasted really good! I enjoyed this day so much.


Thursday was a really cool day. We had a trip to the ecological farm. We travelled there by bus which took about 40 minutes. Then we had a 40 minutes walk to the farm. I really liked this trip, becouse we could see how people produce healthy food. We could even go to the ield where cows usually spend their time. Everybody was making selfies with them! At the end they made a picnic for us. There was only healthy food produced by this farm. I think it was a really cool trip, becouse we could learn a lot of things.


At Friday we had to be in school at 9 o'clock. We spent about 3 hours at making presentations for the evening. The presentations were supposed to show how did we spend our time during the whole week in Lubeka. After work we had a trip to the famous Hansa Museum. I think that this museum is really interesting and I recommend it to everyone who is interested in the history. Inn the evening had a treat for teachers, students and their parents. Everybody had to make something for the treat, so I made a banana cake with my friend Lisann ;)


This day was designed for spending time with our host families. We decided to travel to Hamburg by train, so I could see all the city. I was so happy about this trip, becouse I' ve never been to Hamburg before. I found this city so amazing! It is rally big and I love the architecture. It also has a lot of shops and I enjoyed them, too. Once againg I was soo happy abot this trip and I totally want to go to Hamburg once again!!!

So this whole week was amaizing. I am so glad that I could take a part in such a wonderful project. I really want to ocme back to Lubeka in the future, becouse I think that this town is really beautiful and gorgeous.

Natalia ;)


Hey Everybody!

I'm sorry for my break from writing ;/ I had a problem with my WiFi connection, so I will tell you about last three days in this post.


This day was great. We had short lessons, becouse a lot of out teachers are absent now. Talking about my challenge - I feel great with my sugar-free diet. I feel a lot better that when I actually eat them! ;D


This day was also cool, becouse - again - we had easy lessons. By easy I mean no Mathematic, Physic or Geography lessons ;). I still feel great with my challenge and I also don't feel like eating any sweets.


And finally our current day. So today we had only 4 lessons which seemed to last very short. After getting home I did my extra intensive training which was even harder than in any other days, becouse (as I said in my first post) I do my training everyday ;) I do this for myself, becouse I really enjoy sport and I like going out to take some fresh air.

Today we started our week break from school. We have our national event so we have some free days. Adults have to go to work after four-days break, but our proncipal gave us whole free week! I' m so happy, couse I finally have some time to rest and spend this days with days with my friends. I don't have so many time during the school week, so I spend every school break as good as I can and the best way to spend them is to hang out with friends. I've already planned some meetings and I'm looking forward to them ;)

Next thing I want to tell you about is that after my week break from school I have my exchange project! I'm flying to Lubeck with my friends from school. German students have already been in or country about month ago. I'm really looking forward to meet Lisann again! (Lisann is a girl who lived in my house during our exchange ;D).

Nataliaaaaa ;)))))))))


Hello Guys!!!

So today is my second day of challenge and I still don't feel like eating sweets. It's great idea to eat some apple instead, because it's also sweet, delicious and - the most important - healthy. I think that this challenge is a really awesome idea ;)

I wish you all best!
Natalia ;D käyttää vain välttämättömiä evästeitä istunnon ylläpitämiseen ja anonyymiin tekniseen tilastointiin. ei koskaan käytä evästeitä markkinointiin tai kerää yksilöityjä tilastoja. Lisää tietoa evästeistä