Erasmus + trip to Spain 2020

Monday 20.1 

Monday was the most exciting day. The first morning in an unknown apartment, in an unknown family, and in an unknown country. Little did we knew that at the end of the week we would call this place at home. 


Our day started with presentations and each group presented their school and country to everyone. After that we showed our info graphics to everyone and we had a little quiz on sustainable tourism and our first workshop was done. Our student Neetta Lankinen won the quiz. 

In the afternoon we visited Vitoria-Gasteiz’s town hall. 

After school we went to the big shopping centre together with everyone. It was nice ending for the first day. The ice we had was broken and we made a lot of new friends

Tuesday 21.1 

On Tuesday morning we had a trip to the salt valley of añana. It's a place where people have made salt ecologically for thousands of years. First, we heard a little presentation about the salt valley of añanas history. After that, we went on a guided tour and learned more about how the salt is made there. 

After the trip, we had a lunch break and, in the afternoon, we had the first part of our visual thinking workshop. The workshop was held by a Spanish teacher Nerea Martínez. 

Wednesday 22.1 

On Wednesday our day started with our third workshop. The workshop was about eTwinning and it was held by the Spanish and Portuguese students.  

After the workshop we got to visit Vitoria-Gasteiz's greenbelt. We had a guide who told us about the history of the greenbelt. After the tour we got to visit the Ataria Interpretation Centre which is a wetlands interpretation centre and natural history museum. We also got to know more about Vitoria-Gasteiz which had been awarded the title of European Green Capital in 2012. 

Thursday 23.1 

On Thursday morning we had the second part of the visual thinking workshop that was held by the Spanish team/a Spanish teacher Nerea Martinez. 

After the workshop, all of us Erasmus+ students and teachers went to cook food with local products to Plaza de Abastos. 

In the afternoon we had an hour-long guided tour of the city.

Friday 24.1 

Friday was propably the busiest day of the week. We started the day with two workshops: one on sustainable tourism and an another about writing quality blogposts.  

Than we had a guided tour of the school. For us Finns, it was a very big building with a lot of students from ages 2 to 20.  

Our trip ended with a festive farewell dinnerparty with our hostfamilies and all the Erasmus-studentsThe event combined our absolute favourite things about our trip: Spanish food and lovely people käyttää vain välttämättömiä evästeitä istunnon ylläpitämiseen ja anonyymiin tekniseen tilastointiin. ei koskaan käytä evästeitä markkinointiin tai kerää yksilöityjä tilastoja. Lisää tietoa evästeistä