Event Calendar

About our school year

In addition of studying we have a lot of different events during our school year. Every year is unique but there are quite many recurring events. Here we have collected some of the most important. 

You can find the latest photos of these events from our Finnish site's Photo gallery and some older photos from our English Homepage's Traditional events page.

Autumn term

  • School begins in mid-August
  • The coronation of first-year students: Our new students get to know their new classmates in a fun afternoon spent together at the school. The day consists of fun tasks and challenges, that the students go through in small teams. At the end of the day, every student is given a crown!
  • Entrepreneur's day: We gather to the auditorium to listen career stories from real entrepreneures.
  • Autumns matriculation exams also begin in late-September

  • Field Contest: A long tradition of Halikon lukio. Student and teachers follow a task track and complete different missions while competing with each others.
  • First year students in opera: As a part of Music 1 (MU1) course, first year students spend an evening enjoying of an opera show in Finnish National Opera in Helsinki.
  • Floorball tournament: Classes compete with each other in a sporty afternoon.
  • Halu-choir concerts: The Halu-choir is a pride of our school and already a long tradition! Majority of our students participate in a massive concert production which will premiere in the Halikko sports hall.
  • Independence day and movie visit: For a few years now, we have gone to movies on Independence day to watch a Finnish movie on historical topics. This is one of our newer traditions. 
  • Porridge Party: Our Christmas Party ends the autumn term. We gather to the auditorium to a fun afternoon with all kinds of entertainment. After the party we'll leave for the holidays with our bi-annual school magazine Halulehti in hand.

Spring term

January is mostly full of work, but there can also be special events depending on the year.

  • The kickout day: Our third year students leave for a small break before their big exam, the matriculation examination. They celebrate their high school years by dressing into fun and creative costumes. In the afternoon they go on a truck ride around Salo.
  • The Prom: After the third year students have left the school, our second year students participate in the Prom to celebrate becoming the "oldest" in our school. (In 2021 the Prom got rescheduled to be held in May)
  • First year students in a working life event: While second year students prepare for their ball, first year student get to participate in mock-job interviews and get valuable tips for searching summer jobs.

  • Springs matriculation exams begin

  • Welfare Day: Student Welfare is important! Because of that, we hold a health related event in Late April. 
  • Tournament: Classes compete with each other again in an annual sport related tournament. Usually the tournament is a game of Finnish baseball.

May and June
In Late May when the sun is already shining, there are a lot of different special events depending on the year. The School Year usually ends in the first days of June.

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