Exchange students

Exchange students

Through the years we have had a privilege to get exchange students from all over the world. We hope that they have as good memories as we have of them. They have given us a new perspective on how different school systems can be. We have learnt some new things about their countries and our students have got good chances practising their English skills. Some of our exchange students are listed below.

  • Alexandra Marlene Auer (year 2008-2009) Frankfurt am Main in Germany
  • Sergio Jose Varela Zuniga (year 2008-2009) San Pedro, San Jose Costa Rica
  • Harit Alfonso Reyes Garcia (year 2010-2011) Mexico
  • Annika Nel (year 2013-2014) South Africa)
  • Valentina Briceño (year 2019-2020) Mexico
  • Miu Hamazaki (year 2020-2021) Japan
  • Sophie Gubbins Mac-lean (year 2021-2022) Chile
  • Iona Sala (year 2021-2022) Spain, Catalonia

In 2021 we had an exchange student from Spain. Her name is Iona, and here is a small interview on her experience in Finland! 

1. What is your name?
Iona Sala

2. How old are you?
-16 years old

3. What is your home country?
-Spain but preferably Catalonia

4. What do you miss the most from your home country?

5. Are you glad that you chose to come to Finland?
-yes, because I was supposed to go to USA. 

6. What has surprised you the most here in Finland?
-The time you eat is really early.
7. What is your opion about Finnish food? 
-In general I really like it but porridge is awful, worst of the worst

8. Have you liked being in a Finnish school?
-Yes, one of the things I really like about finland and it's very different from Spain.

9. Have you noticed any differences between the Finnish and Japanese school systems?
-A lot here in Finland you can choose the subjects you want in Spain you can choose one or two and study them for a few years.

10. What are you favorite hobbies?
-I like sport, cornball, reading and watching tv,

11. Which subjects would you like to study in the future?
- I would like to be Kindergarten teacher.

12. Where do you see yourself in ten years?
- not sure but I would like to live in finland, and be kindergarten teacher.

1. What is your name?
Sophie Gubbins Mac-Lean
2. How old are you?
3. What is your home country?
4. What do you miss the most for you home country?
The walleys, and friends ofcourse
5. Are you glad that you chose to come to Finland?
yes the climate and the overall experiens. I have learn to understand peoples' facial expressions. 
6. What has surprised you the most here in Finland?
The amount of potatoes you eat. And we have adapted to cold weather
7. What is your opion about Finnish food?
Sweet foods are really good but salty foods are not all good.
8. Have you liked being in Finnish school?
Yes, I like how finnish school systems teach.
9. Have you noticed any differences between the Finnish and Chile school systems?
Yes, in general finnish is much more effective and straight to the point. Chile is project based learning, We do projects to learn and show what we have learned.
10. What are you favorite hobbies?
Handycrafts, paperworks but not the officework type.
11. Which subjects would you like to study in future?
German, geography, Korea, medicine
12. How will you see yourself after 10 years?
I would like to be a doctor in Chile and happy.

1. What is your name?
-Miu Hamazaki

2. How old are you?
-17 years old

3. What is your home country?

4. What do you miss the most from your home country?
-Japanese food

5. Are you glad that you chose to come to Finland?
-Yes, because everyone is very kind and there is a lot of nature.

6. What has surprised you the most here in Finland?
-I was very surprised that each family had a sauna because there are saunas in Japan, but we don’t go there often, so we don’t have it in homes.
7. What is your opion about Finnish food? 
-I think chocolate, Finnish sweets and Christmas foods are very delicious. I like them.

8. Have you liked being in a Finnish school?
-Yes, because it’s very free and there are many opportunities for discussion.

9. Have you noticed any differences between the Finnish and Japanese school systems?
-Yes. For example I was surprised that everyone does exams on a laptop, there are not any school clubs, lunch is free and so on.

10. What are you favorite hobbies?
-My favorite hobbies are watching professional basketball and folding origami.

11. Which subjects would you like to study in the future?
-I would like to study about tourism or world poverty.

12. Where do you see yourself in ten years?
-I’m not sure, but I want to be somewhere in the world, not Japan. käyttää vain välttämättömiä evästeitä istunnon ylläpitämiseen ja anonyymiin tekniseen tilastointiin. ei koskaan käytä evästeitä markkinointiin tai kerää yksilöityjä tilastoja. Lisää tietoa evästeistä