
Tehtävä 43 s.161


  1. get/come; ’ll have to go / are going to have to go
  2. ’ll write down; keep
  3. ’ll ask; ’re coming
  4. won’t be able to start / can’t start; know
  5. is; won’t make / isn’t going to make
  6. go; will decorate / will be decorating / is going to decorate
  7. doesn’t join; won’t sing / ’re not going to sing
  8. Will/Shall have; go / are going (to go)
  9. call; ’ll bring

Tehtävä 44 s.161


  1. ’ll have / are going to have
  2. Will you need / Will you be needing / Are you going to need
  3. gets
  4. ’ll be waiting / ’ll wait; arrives
  5. will you be doing / will you do / are you going to do
  6. won’t / ‘m not going to
  7. ’ll join
  8. take; ll have
  9. get; won’t know
  10. ’ll have made

Tehtävä 45 s.162


  1. Look at those dark clouds. It’s going to snow / It’ll snow soon.
  2. Don’t worry, I’ll help you with anything. Why won’t / don’t you ever ask for help?
  3. Shall I ask Thomas to give us a hand / to help us?
  4. By the time he gets here, we will have finished all the work.
  5. You’ll never learn / ‘re never going to learn to look on the bright side of things,

will you / are you?

  1. Hmph, I’m meeting / ‘m going to meet my positive thinking coach tomorrow.
  2. However, my bus leaves at six and my appointment isn’t until eight.
  3. If you stop complaining right now, I will give you a lift tomorrow.

Tehtävä 39 s.155

Homework 39, p. 155

1 .had

  1. had filled
  2. (had) checked
  3. thought
  4. was
  5. turned down
  6. was going
  7. stopped/stalled
  8. had to stop
  9. had been trying
  10. decided
  11. happened
  12. arrived
  13. was wearing
  14. had threatened
  15. tried / attempted
  16. was standing
  17. moved
  18. hadn’t I thought
  19. wondered / was wondering
  20. took
  21. cleaned
  22. put/placed
  23. had been standing
  24. had fixed
  25. hadn’t decided
  26. looked käyttää vain välttämättömiä evästeitä istunnon ylläpitämiseen ja anonyymiin tekniseen tilastointiin. ei koskaan käytä evästeitä markkinointiin tai kerää yksilöityjä tilastoja. Lisää tietoa evästeistä