
Questions that you will try to answer:

  • Who am I in the world and how do I make an impact?
  • How do I conduct myself in English-speaking communities?
  • How do I communicate with people from different cultures?
  • How do I dissolve problematic situations through communication?
  • How do I present my ideas and opinions in a clear and convincing way?
  • What oral skills do I need to develop further?

Skills that you will learn:

  • how to build your vocabulary to discuss different topics
  • how to pronounce English in a clear and comprehensive manner
  • how to make small talk, solve problems and converse
  • how to give an oral presentation and a speech

ENA8 Oral Skills Challenges:

  • reading a text aloud (intonation and pronunciation) and active listening (Unit 2)
  • explaining a Finnish text in English using compensation strategies (Unit 3)
  • conversational skills (Unit 4)
  • delivering prepared speeches and presentations (Unit 5)
  • written exercises for unit glossaries and chapter vocabularies (Unit 6)

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