Course overview

Course overview

This course is the introductory course to the Master’s Degree Programme in Educational Leadership. The goal of the course is also to give a broad overview of the whole programme and to explain the interconnectedness of different modules and courses. This course focuses also on different definitions and dimensions of leadership, core elements of organizational behaviour, organizational culture, and organizational change. The aim is to give perspective to the most important elements of leadership dimensions in educational organizations. Special attention is given to behaviour and interaction, to the role of an educational leader, to organizational culture, and to leadership for strategic learning.

This course has the following sessions:

Session 1 Introduction to the Programme
Session 2 Any Good Ideas from the Past
Session 3 Towards Understanding Leadership Behaviour
Session 4 Understanding Leadership Behaviour
Session 5 Leadership and Management in Organizations
Session 6 Organization as a System – Structure, Culture & Power
Session 7 Orienting towards the Future
Session 8 Roles of Educational Leaders

There will be individual work and assignments, group discussions, and personal reflective reporting. Please follow carefully the instructions in the beginning of each session and each lecture.