EKIP103 Practical Grammar


EKIP103 Practical Grammar, 2 op

The course covers a number of areas (e.g. punctuation, article use, tenses, relative and conditional clauses and text cohesion), focusing on issues within them that pose problems for students of English.


After completing the course students will

  • be able to use English more accurately in speech and writing
  • be able to identify and learn what’s behind common grammar problems in English in order to avoid them
  • have a better understanding of the conventions of English in practice, such as punctuation and word choice


  • Methods of study: Presentation and practice. As the name says, this is a very practical course.
  • Assessment: Grading on the scale from 0 to 5, based on course work (40%) and final exam (60%).

Opettaja: FM Reetta Seppälä

Opetus(20 t):
la 5.10. klo 13-16
pe 8.11. klo 16.30-19.30
la 9.11. klo 13-16
pe 22.11. klo 16.30-19.30
pe 10.1.2020 klo 16.30-19.30

- Course booklet (sähköinen)
- Additional materials provided in class

Arviointi: Arvosteluasteikko 0-5

Arviointiperusteet: Active participation (100% attendance usually required). Four shorter assignments and a home exam.