EKIP2001 Introduction to Language Study


EKIP2001 Introduction to Language Study, 4 op

The course aims to offer an overview and introduction to linguistic description of the English language at various levels.

After completing the course students will be able to

  • view language as a research subject
  • identify various research areas (e.g. general and applied linguistics) and research orientations (e.g. language and society) in linguistics
  • recognise the central levels of linguistic description (phonology, morphology, syntax, lexis, semantics, pragmatics) and the basic terminology related to them
  • apply basic linguistic terms and analysis into English and describe the basics of English as a system
  • understand how knowledge of linguistics is related to building their own profiles of language expertise.

Methods of study: contact teaching, exercises in class, home exam

 Teacher: Anne Karppinen PhD (karppinen.anne.m@gmail.com)

7.9. 9-16,
4.10. 16.30-19.30,
26.10. 13-16
23.11. 13-16.


  • Course booklet
  • Course book: Yule, G. (2014). The Study of Language (5th or 6th edition). Cambridge: CUP.