Deutschland und Finnland

Christoph Martino, Germany

Die finnische Gruppe

Schöne Tage in West Kirby. Der Regen hielt sich zurück während die Sonne Ihr bestes Gesicht zeigte. Aber auch die Abende waren "perfect". Nette Gespräche mit den Kollegen, gutes Essen und das Ale war nicht zu cold. Alles bestens organisiert Michael Thomas sei großer Dank. Aber auch ein großes Lob an die Kollegen, welche den Transfer organisierten. Es waren tolle Tage! Thanks

"I had very good trip to England.I met some new people and I learned things about english culture. I also learned more english."
Vilma Jokela

"Trip was amazing. My host family was lovely and they took me shopping and bowling. I hope I'll meet all the awesome people again someday!"

"The trip went very well. There were no major problems and everything worked as planned. I met a group of new amazing people and got a cool new experiences that i wont forget. Thank you all!"

"Hey !
Our trip to England was great !
I got a lot of new experiences and nice memories with lovely peoples !"
Mari N.

"Trip to England was awesome and refreshing! I was really excited and maybe little bit scared but everything went very well.
My host family was really nice and they really wanted to take care of me. I just enjoyed of spending my time with them and it was interesting to see how they live in England.
Workshops what we did were okay, I think. Maybe schooldays were a bit too long, because after school I was really tired. But afterall it was nice to work with another people and speak English! Food was really good and everybody were so kind and nice.
Trip to Liverpool was so nice and I liked the city a lot.
Best thing about this Comenius-trip was that I got lots of courage and trust for myself of speaking English and another languages."

"The Comenius-project trip to England was a great experience! I finally got the chance to travel to UK and see the culture, and meet so many fantastic people from different countries. I had such a great time and I can't wait to go to England again! Thank you all!"
Inka Tuomainen

"The best thing about Comenius is to get friends with all over the Europe and see how the local people are living in their countries. I really enjoyed my visit in England and I think the worst thing about Comenius is that it has to end someday and we all have to leave to our homes."

"We had awesome trip, and I never will forget it! I don´t know what was the best in trip becose I like my workshop and family where I live is so nice. Best mind was all new friends, Liverpool, workshop day when we baked and evenings when I was with my host."
Elina Salmi

"I had really wonderful time in England. It was awesome to meet new people and get to know them. It was also nice to learn about the culture and see what life in there would be like."
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