Freitag 17.1.2014

Freitag 17.1.2014

08.50 Hungarian partners in school. To attend registration/lessons
09.10 German flight arrives Manchester Airport
10.45 ETA West Kirby Grammar School. Partners to collect. After Break, partners attend lessons.
12:45 Lunch (with partners)
13.35 Polish flight arrives at Liverpool Airport
15.00 ETA West Kirby Grammar School. Partner to collect at 15.30 or earlier if free.
15.40 Students return with partners
16.50 Finnish flight arrives at Manchester Airport
18.15 ETA West Kirby Grammar School. Partners to collect

Hungarian's Trip! :)

We went out to the airport at eleven on Thursday. We were really excited because many of our group had not flown an airplane before. Some of the girls were really afraid but when they saw the beautiful sight they started to calm down. We flew to Munich and from Munich to Manchester .when we came out of the airport a bus was waiting for us. So we were on way to West Kirby. We arrived to school about nine, the hosting families were waiting for us. We were really excited that we are going to live with our new family for a week. After we met each other we went home and had dinner then we went to sleep. Next day we got up at 8:00 and we came to school. They showed us the school. We went out with all of the Hungarians to discover the town .we went down to see the sea, it was really amazing, we made a lot of picture. We got back at 12:45 and we had lunch. After lessons we went home and we discuss the day. At 8:30 we were ready to go to the birthday party of one of the girls we met. It was really good. :)

Wided Amoun

My feelings and impressions about my trip to West Kirby

At first, I was really tired! I had just slept for like 3 or 4 hours on the way to the Airport. After the 3rd Coffee I was able to recognize my surroundings. We meet up at the check-in and set us free from our cases, we made our way to West Kirby. After much reading, sleeping and waiting at the pass control for without-visa-students and discussing about the twin-paradox, we reached a quite old Building, with a “1912” sign on it, conservative, which seems a little strict but still looked inviting. After I saw my host, Patrick and James we became good friends and I had the privilege to get a little view of the normal school day of a “West Kirby Grammar School” student. They show me their school, their canteen (where the food was very tasty!) and we played football. After the little French lessons I had for first time (back in Germany I chose Latin) I were able to say “Je ne comprends pas” which means I don’t understand anything in French (oh irony).
After school, the mother of my host brought us home and we got in our rooms. Tired of no sleep and all the things I saw and learn (I mean I can speak French now!) I went to bed.

Mahmoud Rafati.

Polish arrival with obstacles

The arrival of Polish group was at Friday. They arrived at 4 p.m. with a little delay. Delay was because of the snow and terrible fog, and the delaying plane.

What about it said the Polish group?
We arrived from our city – Poznan at 5 a.m. (at Polish time – in English time it’s 4 a.m.), we went by bus to our main city – Warsaw. We had an airplane there. At first we weighted our luggage, because the most of people in our group thought that they had too heavy luggage. Later we went to passports control. According to our planes we should have the airplane at 11.50 a.m., but because of unexpected circumstances we flow away at 2 p.m.

We landed about 3:30 p.m. on Liverpool John Lennon Airport, than we took our luggage and went to the exit. There was a man who waited for us about 2 hours and he took us by bus to West Kirby Grammar School. During get on the bus we had a funny situation. We wanted to get on the bus on a right side, but we saw the steering wheel. We forgot that in England is left-hand side traffic. In Poland is right-hand side traffic.

In the school we met our hosts and after listened teacher from West Kirby Grammar School, they took us to their houses. We’ll live with them for this few days.

I live with Georgia, she’s very nice girl and she has cute dogs. In the evening we were in the restaurant, we ate delicious spicy food. We talked and had a good time. I told her and her boyfriend about Poland, Polish people and customs. Later they told me about English customs.

Ewa Wawrzyniak, Poland käyttää vain välttämättömiä evästeitä istunnon ylläpitämiseen ja anonyymiin tekniseen tilastointiin. ei koskaan käytä evästeitä markkinointiin tai kerää yksilöityjä tilastoja. Lisää tietoa evästeistä