Samstag 18.1.2014

About Saturday

Saturday 18.1.2014
Today after waking up we went to school and began working. First we made presentation on a board from our schools and countries. Then we began working in workshops. After lunch and more working we returned back home. In evening some people were shopping, some people were bowling, but most of the people were in this great party. The ambience was great People were dancing singing, eating, and drinking. The party began 20:30 and lasted about 5 hours. Even though there were some problems, such as a drinks spilling and shortage of places to sit, the party was a great success. Many people became great friends and everyone had fun.

Smalltalk in the canteen

Interviewer: Hello! What is your name?

Where are you from Inka?

How do you like the West Kirby Grammar School?
“I like it! It’s big and they got a lot of Students in here.”

You’re eating now in the canteen. Do like the canteen and the food?
“I think the canteen it’s very beautiful! And the food was great there’s just too
lot of it!”

Why did you decided to work with the Comenius project in England?
“Well I always loved England and liked to come over and visit the culture.
The Comenius project allows us to make new friends in new countries and even
the flight is cheap! So why not?”(laughs)

But the weather here is often not that good!
“I don’t know! I just like it!”

Ok, thank you! Bye!
“No Problem! Bye!”